Simplicity...Simple right? One would think...
My friend Omayra, who has fastly become my sewing buddy, and I were working on the Simplicity pattern yesterday to make a shopping cart cover for Emilia. Can I tell you that from 10:30am to 4:30pm not a stitch was sewn!! The material is just barely pinned together and we are still trying to understand the blasted instructions! LOL... talk about frustrating. Both Omayra and I have sewing experience. She has taken seamstress classes and has been quilting for years and we had to read those instructions like we were in kindergarten!! Line by line.... it's funny to look back at it... we cut fabric on the wrong fold, we ran out of fabric, you name it... it happened! LOL.. except sewing! So... as I look at my sewing table, I shake my head in total disbelief that that blasted cover is nowhere near complete.
So why, do I ask, do they make patterns so difficult to read? Are they translated from another language? Some of the sentences were using double prepositions, run on sentences and incomplete sentences. They need grammar check!!!
So hopefully tomorrow we will take up the task once and for all! But at the point of total disgust of the SIMPLICITY pattern we searched on the internet and found Jan's webpage. I just LOVE her site.. go on there for everything.. so why did I spend $$??? I should have checked there first... (oh and by the way the website I'm referring to is:
I haven't been on the comp much... still trying to get my life in order. Obviously CA didn't work out, but that's ok.. I was sooo ready to put flowers in my hair and head to San Fran though...*sigh*... that's okay.. it's a still a dream alive and well.
Willie has an interview on Mon again.. this one is for MA. Not too far from here, but the position has to be filled immediately... keeping my fingers crossed on this one... but still holding out for the PA jobs. I would absolutely LOVE for us to move to PA. ....*wink*
The boys are getting big and have begun school, this week is the completion of the first full week of school. They are getting back to the routine of getting up at 5:45am and catching the bus at 7am. Getting homework started is another story!
Wednesday coming off of the bus Giovanni had an imaginary bird on his finger.. and that bird has lived with us ever since. LOL... he has the most active imagination... he always has.. between his imaginary friends, his new names and now his imaginary bird... he never fails to amaze me.
Armando had his heart set on fall soccer this year. I held back signing him up due to our questionable job transfer situation and now that we are still here and soccer has started their aren't anymore positions left in his age group. Can I tell you just how HORRIBLE I feel? Think of dirt..think of pond scum... think of a pile of **** ( you get it, right?).. My boys heart was broken.. absolutely broken...I should have just signed him up and if I lost the $35.. I lost it.. but for fear of losing the $ I soo disappointed my babe. *tear*... does this make me a bad mommy? Has this traumatized him for life? I have promised him for the past 9 months that I would sign him up.. we go to the rec center and it's been filled up.... my heart dropped... I felt like I needed a RED LETTER painted on my shirt that day to let the world know I squashed my son's hopes and dreams....*sniffle*...
Emilia is growing and growing and growing.. she isn't stopping!!! Make her STOP! She is well over 26", over 16 lbs and wearing 9mo to 12 mo clothing. I have a mindset that the clothing companies are making the clothes smaller than they used to so people can buy MORE clothes. If it hadn't been for my sister in law and my dear friends giving me clothes my child would ONLY be dressed in those darn cute cloth diapers! No.. trust me.. my husband would beg to differ when he has to pay my Carter's bill! *wink*... I always call him to the register and he opens his wallet takes out 1.. no 2.. no 3 .. um..4 $20's... and at that point he is ready to blindfold me and head me to the door!... but don't think he complains... she has him SOOOOO wrapped around that darling lil pinky of hers.!!!! She is sooo lucky to have her daddy's love... she is truly daddy's lil girl... something that just melts my heart....
Nina.. well she is getting older... she'll be 9 soon. She is developing all the old dog attitudes. At this point we have spent over $200 in the past month on vet bills, meds and shampoos...she has developed seasonal allergies and is scratching herself raw and hairless. My poor doggie!
I am hoping to post pics soon, but am having quite the bit of difficulty since I signed up with Road Runner High Speed Online. I have complained over and over, but what can I truly expect for $29 a month.. surely not the fast, internet connection for $60.. but I have to budget.. and I have to bite the bullet and accept lousy service!
I finished my first *real* quilting project.. I made a lap quilt for my god mother.. my Aunt Helma.. I have pics.. but again...(well you know my gripe)... it turned out well... I certainately hope she uses it in good health! Every stitch was sewn with soo much love and gratitude! She was definately my 2nd mommy growing up!
I hope that everyone is well. Emmie is needing her mommy now! She's teething, even though there aren't any teeth showing, you can feel them right under the skin...