My Emmie is getting very big everyday. She is no longer a baby, but has entered into the world of toddlerhood. Emmie is the big "1"! She is walking, talking, whispering, singing, clapping and just a joy!
She looks up at me, with her toothy smile and sparkling eyes and I am lost in a sea of emotion. She manages to melt my heart each and every time. It's like falling in love over and over again. I am so very lucky!

Emmie's Party was quaint and only family. We haven't made a ton of friends up here yet, b/c it is just tooooo cold to go out much.
Armando and Giovanni are getting bigger everyday so it seems. One day clothes fit, the next they don't.
The shirts that they are wearing are from when I taught arts n crafts at the boys school. One day I taught beading, another class was tie dyeing, then soap making and then foam craft. We had a really fun time!
Here is a pic of them with their Emmie. They are forever the devoted brothers.

My business has really kept me busy, that is reason why I haven't kept up my posts. I am forever ordering, finding vendors, cutting, designing and still fulfilling the role of wife, home maker and mama.
I am trying to be the best at it all, but sometimes I fail and the laundry pile wins! Mt. Washmore is what I have learned to lovingly call it. It grows and grows and as soon as it disappears it reappears faster!
I have opened what is called a HYENA CART. It is a web site that allows shopping advantages. I have given up the and and have combined it to: I will be featuring left overs from my main group: and making accessories like this:

The purple bag I made for my niece Daniella for Easter. I think it turned out super cute. The pink purse I made for Emmie and put a rubber ducky in it as her Easter Purse. I really enjoy making these little purses and I will continue to make them to sell. I actually have FUN doing them.
I have also found enjoyment in making cotton crochet washclothes, thanks to my mom. I find myself whipping them up in a matter of an hour and a half. I am stocking up on them to put up to sell also. I have big plans for myself, if only I could find the time.

I must go and pick the boys up from school.
Big Hugz to all.
{{{}}} =)Kristina