Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all the other great holidays that I have missed since I haven't written.
I have been very busy chasing after a very active 10 month old. (Yes, My baby Emmie is now 10 months!) and my business is really starting to flow nicely. You have to check out my store. It is still under construction, but is coming together. I am NOT a graphic web page designer, so my first attempts aren't so shabby. Not only have I registered for my DBA for the town, but I have also made it official with Uncle Sam.. yep.. a real, true EIN! Now, I have to file quarterly taxes and all the lovely legalities of owning a small entity. But being my own boss, buying these awesome products and practicing parenthood by proxy (thanks dr. schlessinger!), is very important to me. And I know that the future will only hold the best for us.

Here is Emmie opening up one of her gifts at home. We had a very long day, we were in NYC for X-mas eve and had X-mas morning there and this was later on in the afternoon.. We were all tired!
I honestly think that more paper went in her mouth than on the floor! She was the garbage disposal of her gifts! I was getting more paper out of her mouth then she was playing with her toys!
In the pic below: Armando, Giovanni and Emmie in front of our Christmas tree before all of the commotion started! Trust me.... the floors weren't this clean AFTER the gifts were opened!
I rang in the New Year flat on my back with a severe cold with
flu like symptoms. I was one sick puppy, but this year thus far has been GREAT! So hopefully I left all the bad kharma in 2006!
I am now prepared to continue keeping this blog up to date. I never imagined that my friends and family actually read it. It's kind of like looking into the proverbial fish bowl.. with permission! After all, I am sharing my life on the internet!
We are still in the process of selling our home in NY and looking for a home here in MA. We love our little town and are trying our best to stay in it. The boys love the school and I don't want to uproot them again to change schools. So.. our seed has been planted.. now all we have to do is take root in a home of our own.
Well, unto later.. I must go and tend to "little me"..
Hugz, =)Kristina