WOW! Where has the time gone? It's here on minute and then POOF gone the next... SOOOO much has happened within the time frame of my last post.
We have celebrated a years worth of holidays, birthdays and anniversaries.
I will do my best to take the time to continue my posting. I miss it, but time has not allowed for much "free mommy time".
Today.. I will try to "catch up with the lost year" in a few pics and short explanations...
Christmas in Florida 2007. Our 1st Florida Christmas and we missed the cold and snow. Seeing Palm Trees decorated was a strange site, but definately cool to see!
Emmie's 2nd B-day!!
Easter 2008!
Emmie at Giovanni's Party Oct 30th waiting for some cake!
Willie, Carina and the kiddos!
Guga and Nono at Nan's house Aug. 2008.
Armando's 9th B-day (yes.. sorry.. totally out of the sync.. April 2008) His birthday cake was a YUMMY sweet milk cake Tia made for him... I can still taste the yummy goodness of it!
Giovanni's 8th B-day (2008)
The boys in Jan 2008 at the Cub Scouts Regatta Race... Our boys made awesome boats and had a GREAT time!

that's it for now folks... I will update more later... Enjoy the teaser!
Hugz & Luv!
=) Kristina