Here are the big proud brothers with their new baby sister! Armando and Giovanni are absolutely overjoyed!! They come home from school and immediately wash their hands to say hello to her.
I know that they will always be protective of her and watching over her. I am truly blessed with such loving children.

WOW! Time is flying! Here Emilia is 13 days old! She is more alert and cuter than a button! My heart is overflowing with love for my children. And jeez, the love for a daughter is a bit different than a son.
I now understand what my mother used to tell me... she loved all of her children the same amount, but differently. It wasn't until I became a mother that I truly understand that.
I have learned over the years exactly what a mother's pride is all about. I have learned sacrifice w/o contempt, love without boundaries and to open my eyes to the wonders of life all around. Life was just too hectic.. life was passing me by... I stopped "smelling the roses" and I forgot the most important things in life.... I thought I once knew about life. Until I had my first son... I began to see life in his eyes. I put aside all of my closed mindsets and began to see life again. I saw, once again, the simplist things of life.... how a plant grows, why the sun goes down and watching worms and ants under a rock with utter fascination. My world once again has meaning. I was relearning life. And I thank my children for helping me find my inner child and opening up my once closed mind to the wonders of life all around. Each day is a learning experience and I look forward to my next lesson!
I am looking forward to the life lessons Emilia will teach me. But I am willing to let her grow slowly, so I can enjoy it. I will not wish her to walk, to talk or to eat solids before she is ready. I will embrace her age, her milestones as they come and pray that each day will be filled with love, laughter, good health and happiness.
My daily motto: Life is something not to be taken for granted. Life is a blessing, I awake daily thanking God for the chance to have one more day to learn from my children and for my children to learn from me. I also thank God for allowing me to love and to feel love. I am truly blessed for all he has given me and I will not take it for granted.