(As my mother would say)
For weeks I have been trying to post pictures and instead of allowing frustration to get the better of me, I decided to try something different.... AND IT WORKED! I was determined to not allow this computer glitch to beat me! and HORRAY... I'VE GOT POSTED PICTURES!!!YEAH! Some pics are older (from the end of June) and some are newer, but ones that I have been wanting to share with you. So.. here goes..
Here is a pic of Emilia and Nina sleeping. After a long tummy time they wore each other out! Nina is never far from her new sister! She even sleeps in her room next to Emilia's crib... Check out Emilia looking in the mirror and all that beauty just made her sleepy! LOL...
Giovanni at his kindergarten graduation pictured with his teacher, on the left, Mrs. Dermody and the principal Sister Lucy. Onward to 1st grade
Armando and his first grade teacher Mrs. Kelly, I could not have asked for a more caring, understanding and gifted teacher for Armando! Armando will be going into the 2nd grade... jeez.. where did the time go?
On Father's Day we went to Junior and Raquels house. It just so happened that the World Cup was in full swing and the Brazilians were playing the Aussie's.. Brazil won!!!! We had a blast!! The food was awesome but the company can never be beaten!!! Can you tell where Jr and Raquel are from?
Here are more dipes that I have made for some customers... they are looking better and better with practice!
I may not have a huge house, a luxury car or an unlimited bank account, but the picture below proves how wealthy my life is!..
More pics to come now that I learned how to post them again! So... keep your eyes peeled.. I have much to post to catch up on!!! Next batch.. Emilia's baptism and our recent trip to the Inner Harbor and the Aquarium in Baltimore.!!!