"If your going to San Fransisco.. be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"... Jeez.... I love that song...the other song in my head at the moment..."Do you know the way to San Jose"....
As you can tell, all the songs in my head are CA based. There is a possibility that the Bay Area of CA may be our new home. The hiring ban has been lifted for the company Willie works for so now his resume's are getting hits. The manager from CA seemed very interested and will be having a second interview with Willie on the 8th of Aug. We will find out in Sept if we have a new home location or not. I am very excited about the possibility of moving to CA!! How cool! BUT SOOOO EXPENSIVE!!!
The corporate american guilitine will once again be falling in October... so in order for us to have a job.. we MUST leave NY!!!
To move on to other important issues:
The boys started Vacation Bible School on Monday and they are having a GREAT time! I am anxious of finding a church to go where I am comfortable and were I feel welcomed. Long story about my search for a new church, but I think we will continue our search until we can find that sense of belonging.
The quilting playdates are very successful and we are making some beautiful artwork! The diaper making workshop was a smash and the interest in cloth diapers is over whelming.. I have to start hosting them every week intstead of every other week, just to accomodate all the interested people!!
Lil Lady is in dire need of my arms for a nap.... I will touch base later...
Until then.... May every path you take lead you back home!