Friday, March 09, 2012

Inspiration... Move Me Brightly.....

The title of this post is a lyric from one of my favorite Grateful Dead songs.. "Terrapin Station".  Terrapin Station is actually the conclusion and blend of another great jam.."Lady with a Fan".  Usually you won't hear one w/o the other intertwined. Many nights I spent gazing up at the stars just getting lost in this song.  The song weaves into a beautiful story that takes me to another dimension in thought.  Almost as if it opens another door of perception and then my creative juices begin to flow!

Right now... I need Inspiration to move me.  Being a stay at home mom .. while it's a blessing, it feels like I am not contributing much to anything.  I have found my creative drive all but non existent, my life is full of "tomorrow's" and then I feel guilty of not getting all that I want to get done done.. Lord knows I have the time.. it's the drive I am lacking. I have a sketchbook full of designs, my head is overflowing with possibilities, my closet is full of materials, my goals are set, and my "to do" list keeps getting longer.. it's the spark that is not present.

BUT .. that is going to change.  I found a book on a lady's blog called... " 365: A Daily Creativity Journal, Make Something Everyday and Change Your Life" by Noah Scalin.   I haven't ever heard of this book and I found it intriguing.  Although I most likely won't purchase the book, it has still inspired me to begin to make a project a day.. hopefully getting me out of my slump.. lighting that proverbial fire under my ass to get behind my machines and do what I love to do... create.

Will also bought me a camera.. it is a combination Mother's Day, Birthday, Christmas and "ALL that".. gift.  He cracks me up.  While we had a good camera before, he bought this for me to take action shots of Armando playing soccer.  I have MUCH to learn on how to use this camera properly.  I was playing with it yesterday and wow.. it's ALOT of camera.. not the point and shoots that I am used to!

My new camera has also inspired me... to at least take a picture of SOMETHING every day... photography is not something I want "to get into".. I don't feel I have the talent or the "eye" for it.... but it's something I would like to do everyday... just to take 5 mins to stop and find something interesting and take a pic of it...  I am an artist at heart....I just love all things creative. AND to think.. I had a college art professor tell me that I should quit his class b/c I didn't have an artistic bone in my body and that he was going to have to fail me... obviously he hasn't seen my fabric artscapes OR my make-up artistry skills.  I CAN still design, draw and create art.. it's just not with charcoal pencils, water colors or pastels... it is with fabric, thread and make up.

I am so glad I didn't let that man totally squash my inner artist... Thank God my need and love for the arts was stronger than his ignorance.. he could have broken what I hold so dear.

With that note.. I am off to create my list of crafty projects for next week.  I am going to begin on Monday.  I am going to reorganize my craft room (lovingly called Room of Chaos) to get ready for my return.. ... I simply can not wait...