I am hoping to not jinx myself...... but little lady has been sleeping like a champ these past 3 nights. She has been going down around 9:30pm and sleeping until around 5am!! I feel like a new person!!! I am beginning to think "out of the fog".
Little Lady is sleeping now and I am tackeling the laundry. I had it ALL done on Sunday... but laundry is just like a monkey on my back... I can get away from it and it is consuming me!!!
I am sooo glad that we have chosen to cloth diaper!! A friend and I were just talking about the new prices of child rearing and I can not believe just how expensive disposables are! WOW! I am thanking my lucky stars everytime I have to do that extra load of laundry every other day! I'm saving approx $9.00! That's almost $50 a month!! WOO HOO!
Yesterday... I had a great life lesson.... I was at my wits end at my breaking point and ready to cry.. but instead I just took a minute to smile and laugh at the madness of it all. The phone was ringing, the baby was SCREAMING, the boys were fighting, dinner was over cooking and the dog was barking. I was tested to the extreme and I came out of it unscathed! I guess the old cliche that God doesn't give u more than what you can handle is true... I just wish he wouldn't test me soo much at one time! :):)
I am keeping my fingers crossed that we hear something from my husbands perspective new boss(es). We have applied for a laterial position transfer in PA and are anxiously awaiting word. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a positive outcome.. we are looking forward to a possible move closer to home.
Well... I must tackle the chore of the day.... laundry...
HOpe all is well... and sending much love and light!