A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words:

The first pic is of the boys, proud as can be with their Lego creation. They absolutely love lego and it keeps them busy for hours. THANK GOD for LEGO!!!

Here's Little Lady sleeping. She is sooo beautiful and such an angel. Is it possible to love anything more than your own child?

I absolutely love this pic. Both DH and Little Lady are sleeping. Emilia is hanging on.... that is for sure! She was slowly sliding down hubby's stomach. This pic makes me smile every time I see it!

And here is Nina: my first baby. She was the first little girl in our lives. It never fails that she sits in the car seat when she can get the chance. When Armando was a baby it got to the point where Nina wouldn't eat unless she was in the HIGH CHAIR! Talk about spoiled dog!

Thanks for taking the time to check in. I will try to make it a priority to say a word or two every other day.
God Bless and keep safe!