Yesterday I went to the town hall and registered my business! I am sooo psyched! I finally feel as if I am beginning to accomplish something with my SAHM time. I have know officially entered the WAHM world and am looking forward to it. I began a small co-op selling fabrics and sewing notions: .. I then acquired two domain names..1 for my overall business.. and one just for the diapers...
The web pages are still a work in progress. I registered for my library card and took out web design and web page design books. I didn't realize just how comfusing a computer really is. It's a completely different language. Thank God for... Web Pages for Dummies or I truly would be lost!
Emmie is now 8 months old, she's pulling herself up to stand, she's talking and just soo active. Her personality is really starting to show through and she is just wondrerful. I am truly blessed to have such beautiful children. I love them all the same amount, but my love them all differently. Armando has a sense of humor, he's athletic and can design and build stuff out of lego that would blow your mind. Giovanni is my quiet scholar, nothing gets past him, he's right on que. Emmie, well, she's my lil angel. She's happy, she smiles and I just get lost in her eyes.
I'm out of time for now. I have to take the boys to the bus stop.
Keep Warm and God BLess!
Hoping that you have a Thanksgiving full of laughter,happiness and treasured family memories.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
True and Sad...
"Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison?". This was a quote from an email I received from a dear friend. It is a true and all so sad fact! Take the Bible out of school and the prisons are full, that's what they say! Children today just aren't taught right from wrong, the ten commandments, or salvation. For the most part, children today are without any sense of religion .. they are lost, wondering souls, trying to find their place in the world. And unfortunately many find the wrong path and go down a very sad road. Which becomes a vicious cycle.
I will get off of my soap box now. Not that I am preaching anything, but think about how our society and government has declined without morality, respect and just plain old humanity. If your not corrupt in one shape, way or form than politics is NOT the career for you.
I am very disturbed by the recent events (I am meaning in the last 5 years or so)in politics, especially since the political race for senate has been up and running. I know that the polls are closed now, but PLEASE people, can we at least show some sort of POSITIVE influence to the children? All of this mud-slinging and back stabbing.... get a LIFE! If you want to prove something to someone.. go build a shelter, donate $ to the local schools or library, redefine the child foster and adoptive programs, follow up on abuse, donate computers to schools, offer more funding to lower economic societies. Make a difference in the area in which you want to represent. Don't just start your mud slinging to make your self look good. Do something good, show us "the People" what you plan to do. Talk is talk.. walk the walk if you want to make a difference and prove that you are worthy to represent me as my voice to the top governement. Listen to "the People", Hear what we are saying. Our children are OUR future. Our children are YOUR future. If we leave them uneducated, homeless and without proper care in today's society then they will be Tomorrow's decline.
Okay... now that I've gotten my blood pressure to curdleing..and my soap box is begging for me to step down....I am ending this rant of mine to take care of my lil lady which is in dire need of some mommy love. Her top right tooth is cutting and my lil ladybug is MISERABLE.
Hugs to all.... (this is strictly my opinions and not meant to offend anyone...just take it with a grain of salt....... and love me anyway! :) )
"Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they can in prison?". This was a quote from an email I received from a dear friend. It is a true and all so sad fact! Take the Bible out of school and the prisons are full, that's what they say! Children today just aren't taught right from wrong, the ten commandments, or salvation. For the most part, children today are without any sense of religion .. they are lost, wondering souls, trying to find their place in the world. And unfortunately many find the wrong path and go down a very sad road. Which becomes a vicious cycle.
I will get off of my soap box now. Not that I am preaching anything, but think about how our society and government has declined without morality, respect and just plain old humanity. If your not corrupt in one shape, way or form than politics is NOT the career for you.
I am very disturbed by the recent events (I am meaning in the last 5 years or so)in politics, especially since the political race for senate has been up and running. I know that the polls are closed now, but PLEASE people, can we at least show some sort of POSITIVE influence to the children? All of this mud-slinging and back stabbing.... get a LIFE! If you want to prove something to someone.. go build a shelter, donate $ to the local schools or library, redefine the child foster and adoptive programs, follow up on abuse, donate computers to schools, offer more funding to lower economic societies. Make a difference in the area in which you want to represent. Don't just start your mud slinging to make your self look good. Do something good, show us "the People" what you plan to do. Talk is talk.. walk the walk if you want to make a difference and prove that you are worthy to represent me as my voice to the top governement. Listen to "the People", Hear what we are saying. Our children are OUR future. Our children are YOUR future. If we leave them uneducated, homeless and without proper care in today's society then they will be Tomorrow's decline.
Okay... now that I've gotten my blood pressure to curdleing..and my soap box is begging for me to step down....I am ending this rant of mine to take care of my lil lady which is in dire need of some mommy love. Her top right tooth is cutting and my lil ladybug is MISERABLE.
Hugs to all.... (this is strictly my opinions and not meant to offend anyone...just take it with a grain of salt....... and love me anyway! :) )
Friday, November 03, 2006
Take time to live!!!
Take time to live!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
A "Spooktacular" Revelation
We have been in MA now for a little over a week and all I can say is .... I'm loving it thus far!
The boys first day of school went well.... we lost Armando for a time being, but found him in the cafeteria surrounded by a table full of girls eating breakfast..... by the time I found him I was sooo outraged and scared that all I could do was start laughing (outloud I might add) at the relief of finding him and looking at the situation from an outside point of view. I mean ...this was raw comedy at it's best.... "picture this" he is.. the only boy, at a table full of girls, his faced smeared with cream cheese and what looks like a drop of chocolate milk on his shirt and saying.."I'm eating breakfast with my friends"... this was his FIRST day of school!!!! Well, that's my Armando... the social butterfly.
Giovanni's first day of school was his 6th birthday and the teacher had a special treat for him.. all the children in his class made him a birthday folder... it really is something cute. All the children drew pictures of what they would like to wish Giovanni for his birthday. It was a great night time read! I also took in cupcakes to share with all of his classmates.
Emilia.... this little lady... well there isn't any stopping her! She is crawling, pulling herself up to a standing position and taking a few steps. She is teething her 3rd tooth, trust me.. this poor angel is really feeling it.. and is just leaving drool around the house like a snail leaves an ooze trail! Everything she touches goes into her mouth.. she is even trying to eat the dog's nose.. and NINI just stands there and lets her....
To get to my "Spooktacular" Revelation. The reason the post is called this is because of the revelation I had on Halloween. It isn't scary, twisted or even Spooky... I just liked the sound of it. Here's the story and my revelation:
Trick or treating began at 5:30. Armando wanted to wear his old Karate uniform, Giovanni was a lion and Emmi was a ladybug. We shuffled the kids out of the house.. down the street and found the first house decorated and with the outside lights on. First house... we proceed to ring the bell... trick or treat?... treat...yippee! It started out that it was just the 5 of us... then we heard what sounded like a whole village behind us... sure enough.. the approaching children started yelling to the boys and now we are engulfed in the "swarm"... the sounds of little footsteps ..."trick or treat" and giggles are all that is heard in the still air. The Moon is 3/4 full and the sky is slightly cloudy. Parents approach my husband and I and they introduce themselves and welcome us to the community. The parents are already familiar with my boys... "the new kids". We apparently are already famous!. One of the mothers asked.. "Have you been to the Dr and Mrs Whitman's house yet?" I replied no...she said you have to go..I replied, "we will, thanks" as we continue to walk.. the parents swarmed.... walking slowly..all of the while the kids are running ahead..from house to was then..that I had the complete feeling of "exhale-ing"..I turned to my husband..and put my arm around his shoulder while he is pushing our "ladybug" in the stroller.. and said "this is what people dream about"..."this is the american dream".. short of the white picket fence... this was the dream! Older looking colonial homes on a tree lined street, with neighbors and children outside playing... laughter in the air.... we caught it... it is in our grasp.... the vision that so many seek, so many long for, it is here for us now! vAt that moment.. sheer and utter peace! I haven't felt that content, (well not since March 17th anyway), that soulfull, that blessed, that at ease in quite a long time. The weeks of packing, of possibly being jobless, the moving, the traveling from state to state.. it really was taking a toll on my emotional and mental state w/o my real knowledge. But it was there.. at that moment.. on Halloween that I realized...Yes.. this is what life SHOULD be... this is what my life IS... this is what I will SAVOR..this is what I will remember......
And for one splitting moment.. I thought... But could this really be perfection? am I still in the honeymoon phase?... well maybe... but I am being skeptical and even though I know that every silver lining has a touch of grey.. I am going to keep my belief that this is a little slice of heaven.... one which I will devour slowly and enjoy every little morsel of. I will continue to live in my bubble.. b/c who knows when I will ever find this kind of exhale-ing moment...
oh and after trick or treating: we went the the good Doctor's and Mrs' house.... and here it was... a garage decorated to the hilt while the Dr. and Ms. Betty were serving apple cider and sweets.. neighbors talking about the football season, how each child was doing in school, the who of who's are there, it was like one big family! .. this is small town living at it's best.... this was nothing short of a Norman Rockwell painting.. a Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tale... and....If this was only Halloween then I know that without a doubt.. I'm sure that Charles Dickens will be around for Christmas!
We have been in MA now for a little over a week and all I can say is .... I'm loving it thus far!
The boys first day of school went well.... we lost Armando for a time being, but found him in the cafeteria surrounded by a table full of girls eating breakfast..... by the time I found him I was sooo outraged and scared that all I could do was start laughing (outloud I might add) at the relief of finding him and looking at the situation from an outside point of view. I mean ...this was raw comedy at it's best.... "picture this" he is.. the only boy, at a table full of girls, his faced smeared with cream cheese and what looks like a drop of chocolate milk on his shirt and saying.."I'm eating breakfast with my friends"... this was his FIRST day of school!!!! Well, that's my Armando... the social butterfly.
Giovanni's first day of school was his 6th birthday and the teacher had a special treat for him.. all the children in his class made him a birthday folder... it really is something cute. All the children drew pictures of what they would like to wish Giovanni for his birthday. It was a great night time read! I also took in cupcakes to share with all of his classmates.
Emilia.... this little lady... well there isn't any stopping her! She is crawling, pulling herself up to a standing position and taking a few steps. She is teething her 3rd tooth, trust me.. this poor angel is really feeling it.. and is just leaving drool around the house like a snail leaves an ooze trail! Everything she touches goes into her mouth.. she is even trying to eat the dog's nose.. and NINI just stands there and lets her....
To get to my "Spooktacular" Revelation. The reason the post is called this is because of the revelation I had on Halloween. It isn't scary, twisted or even Spooky... I just liked the sound of it. Here's the story and my revelation:
Trick or treating began at 5:30. Armando wanted to wear his old Karate uniform, Giovanni was a lion and Emmi was a ladybug. We shuffled the kids out of the house.. down the street and found the first house decorated and with the outside lights on. First house... we proceed to ring the bell... trick or treat?... treat...yippee! It started out that it was just the 5 of us... then we heard what sounded like a whole village behind us... sure enough.. the approaching children started yelling to the boys and now we are engulfed in the "swarm"... the sounds of little footsteps ..."trick or treat" and giggles are all that is heard in the still air. The Moon is 3/4 full and the sky is slightly cloudy. Parents approach my husband and I and they introduce themselves and welcome us to the community. The parents are already familiar with my boys... "the new kids". We apparently are already famous!. One of the mothers asked.. "Have you been to the Dr and Mrs Whitman's house yet?" I replied no...she said you have to go..I replied, "we will, thanks" as we continue to walk.. the parents swarmed.... walking slowly..all of the while the kids are running ahead..from house to was then..that I had the complete feeling of "exhale-ing"..I turned to my husband..and put my arm around his shoulder while he is pushing our "ladybug" in the stroller.. and said "this is what people dream about"..."this is the american dream".. short of the white picket fence... this was the dream! Older looking colonial homes on a tree lined street, with neighbors and children outside playing... laughter in the air.... we caught it... it is in our grasp.... the vision that so many seek, so many long for, it is here for us now! vAt that moment.. sheer and utter peace! I haven't felt that content, (well not since March 17th anyway), that soulfull, that blessed, that at ease in quite a long time. The weeks of packing, of possibly being jobless, the moving, the traveling from state to state.. it really was taking a toll on my emotional and mental state w/o my real knowledge. But it was there.. at that moment.. on Halloween that I realized...Yes.. this is what life SHOULD be... this is what my life IS... this is what I will SAVOR..this is what I will remember......
And for one splitting moment.. I thought... But could this really be perfection? am I still in the honeymoon phase?... well maybe... but I am being skeptical and even though I know that every silver lining has a touch of grey.. I am going to keep my belief that this is a little slice of heaven.... one which I will devour slowly and enjoy every little morsel of. I will continue to live in my bubble.. b/c who knows when I will ever find this kind of exhale-ing moment...
oh and after trick or treating: we went the the good Doctor's and Mrs' house.... and here it was... a garage decorated to the hilt while the Dr. and Ms. Betty were serving apple cider and sweets.. neighbors talking about the football season, how each child was doing in school, the who of who's are there, it was like one big family! .. this is small town living at it's best.... this was nothing short of a Norman Rockwell painting.. a Hans Christian Anderson Fairy Tale... and....If this was only Halloween then I know that without a doubt.. I'm sure that Charles Dickens will be around for Christmas!
Monday, October 16, 2006
What would life be without a tad bit of insanity?'s been A VERY LONG time since I last posted. But here's a cliff note version of all that has been happening....
1) Armando is on his 7th tooth!
2) Emmie is crawling, pulling herself up, she has 2 teeth and is quite the little clown!
3) Giovanni is turning 6 on the 30th and his party is on the 21st.
In between preparing and organizing his party we are in the MIDDLE OF MOVING! Our house is on the market, Willie is living in MA already, we are renting a 2200 sq. ft home in MA and the movers are coming to pick up the contents of our house on the 24th!!! Do you realize that I'm hosting a party for over 30 children on Sat and have to finish packing by Mon? I have no idea what I was thinking, obviously I wasn't!!!
The house has finally been finished, (of course we are moving) and I'm sad to leave it....but ....for a bigger house??... I won't miss this one much. *wink*
Emmie is ready to go to sleep, just wanted to say HI.. catch you guys up on my hectic life.
Praying that all is well, safe and happy with you and your families!
K's been A VERY LONG time since I last posted. But here's a cliff note version of all that has been happening....
1) Armando is on his 7th tooth!
2) Emmie is crawling, pulling herself up, she has 2 teeth and is quite the little clown!
3) Giovanni is turning 6 on the 30th and his party is on the 21st.
In between preparing and organizing his party we are in the MIDDLE OF MOVING! Our house is on the market, Willie is living in MA already, we are renting a 2200 sq. ft home in MA and the movers are coming to pick up the contents of our house on the 24th!!! Do you realize that I'm hosting a party for over 30 children on Sat and have to finish packing by Mon? I have no idea what I was thinking, obviously I wasn't!!!
The house has finally been finished, (of course we are moving) and I'm sad to leave it....but ....for a bigger house??... I won't miss this one much. *wink*
Emmie is ready to go to sleep, just wanted to say HI.. catch you guys up on my hectic life.
Praying that all is well, safe and happy with you and your families!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Simplicity...Simple right? One would think...
My friend Omayra, who has fastly become my sewing buddy, and I were working on the Simplicity pattern yesterday to make a shopping cart cover for Emilia. Can I tell you that from 10:30am to 4:30pm not a stitch was sewn!! The material is just barely pinned together and we are still trying to understand the blasted instructions! LOL... talk about frustrating. Both Omayra and I have sewing experience. She has taken seamstress classes and has been quilting for years and we had to read those instructions like we were in kindergarten!! Line by line.... it's funny to look back at it... we cut fabric on the wrong fold, we ran out of fabric, you name it... it happened! LOL.. except sewing! So... as I look at my sewing table, I shake my head in total disbelief that that blasted cover is nowhere near complete.
So why, do I ask, do they make patterns so difficult to read? Are they translated from another language? Some of the sentences were using double prepositions, run on sentences and incomplete sentences. They need grammar check!!!
So hopefully tomorrow we will take up the task once and for all! But at the point of total disgust of the SIMPLICITY pattern we searched on the internet and found Jan's webpage. I just LOVE her site.. go on there for everything.. so why did I spend $$??? I should have checked there first... (oh and by the way the website I'm referring to is:
I haven't been on the comp much... still trying to get my life in order. Obviously CA didn't work out, but that's ok.. I was sooo ready to put flowers in my hair and head to San Fran though...*sigh*... that's okay.. it's a still a dream alive and well.
Willie has an interview on Mon again.. this one is for MA. Not too far from here, but the position has to be filled immediately... keeping my fingers crossed on this one... but still holding out for the PA jobs. I would absolutely LOVE for us to move to PA. ....*wink*
The boys are getting big and have begun school, this week is the completion of the first full week of school. They are getting back to the routine of getting up at 5:45am and catching the bus at 7am. Getting homework started is another story!
Wednesday coming off of the bus Giovanni had an imaginary bird on his finger.. and that bird has lived with us ever since. LOL... he has the most active imagination... he always has.. between his imaginary friends, his new names and now his imaginary bird... he never fails to amaze me.
Armando had his heart set on fall soccer this year. I held back signing him up due to our questionable job transfer situation and now that we are still here and soccer has started their aren't anymore positions left in his age group. Can I tell you just how HORRIBLE I feel? Think of dirt..think of pond scum... think of a pile of **** ( you get it, right?).. My boys heart was broken.. absolutely broken...I should have just signed him up and if I lost the $35.. I lost it.. but for fear of losing the $ I soo disappointed my babe. *tear*... does this make me a bad mommy? Has this traumatized him for life? I have promised him for the past 9 months that I would sign him up.. we go to the rec center and it's been filled up.... my heart dropped... I felt like I needed a RED LETTER painted on my shirt that day to let the world know I squashed my son's hopes and dreams....*sniffle*...
Emilia is growing and growing and growing.. she isn't stopping!!! Make her STOP! She is well over 26", over 16 lbs and wearing 9mo to 12 mo clothing. I have a mindset that the clothing companies are making the clothes smaller than they used to so people can buy MORE clothes. If it hadn't been for my sister in law and my dear friends giving me clothes my child would ONLY be dressed in those darn cute cloth diapers! No.. trust me.. my husband would beg to differ when he has to pay my Carter's bill! *wink*... I always call him to the register and he opens his wallet takes out 1.. no 2.. no 3 .. um..4 $20's... and at that point he is ready to blindfold me and head me to the door!... but don't think he complains... she has him SOOOOO wrapped around that darling lil pinky of hers.!!!! She is sooo lucky to have her daddy's love... she is truly daddy's lil girl... something that just melts my heart....
Nina.. well she is getting older... she'll be 9 soon. She is developing all the old dog attitudes. At this point we have spent over $200 in the past month on vet bills, meds and shampoos...she has developed seasonal allergies and is scratching herself raw and hairless. My poor doggie!
I am hoping to post pics soon, but am having quite the bit of difficulty since I signed up with Road Runner High Speed Online. I have complained over and over, but what can I truly expect for $29 a month.. surely not the fast, internet connection for $60.. but I have to budget.. and I have to bite the bullet and accept lousy service!
I finished my first *real* quilting project.. I made a lap quilt for my god mother.. my Aunt Helma.. I have pics.. but again...(well you know my gripe)... it turned out well... I certainately hope she uses it in good health! Every stitch was sewn with soo much love and gratitude! She was definately my 2nd mommy growing up!
I hope that everyone is well. Emmie is needing her mommy now! She's teething, even though there aren't any teeth showing, you can feel them right under the skin...
My friend Omayra, who has fastly become my sewing buddy, and I were working on the Simplicity pattern yesterday to make a shopping cart cover for Emilia. Can I tell you that from 10:30am to 4:30pm not a stitch was sewn!! The material is just barely pinned together and we are still trying to understand the blasted instructions! LOL... talk about frustrating. Both Omayra and I have sewing experience. She has taken seamstress classes and has been quilting for years and we had to read those instructions like we were in kindergarten!! Line by line.... it's funny to look back at it... we cut fabric on the wrong fold, we ran out of fabric, you name it... it happened! LOL.. except sewing! So... as I look at my sewing table, I shake my head in total disbelief that that blasted cover is nowhere near complete.
So why, do I ask, do they make patterns so difficult to read? Are they translated from another language? Some of the sentences were using double prepositions, run on sentences and incomplete sentences. They need grammar check!!!
So hopefully tomorrow we will take up the task once and for all! But at the point of total disgust of the SIMPLICITY pattern we searched on the internet and found Jan's webpage. I just LOVE her site.. go on there for everything.. so why did I spend $$??? I should have checked there first... (oh and by the way the website I'm referring to is:
I haven't been on the comp much... still trying to get my life in order. Obviously CA didn't work out, but that's ok.. I was sooo ready to put flowers in my hair and head to San Fran though...*sigh*... that's okay.. it's a still a dream alive and well.
Willie has an interview on Mon again.. this one is for MA. Not too far from here, but the position has to be filled immediately... keeping my fingers crossed on this one... but still holding out for the PA jobs. I would absolutely LOVE for us to move to PA. ....*wink*
The boys are getting big and have begun school, this week is the completion of the first full week of school. They are getting back to the routine of getting up at 5:45am and catching the bus at 7am. Getting homework started is another story!
Wednesday coming off of the bus Giovanni had an imaginary bird on his finger.. and that bird has lived with us ever since. LOL... he has the most active imagination... he always has.. between his imaginary friends, his new names and now his imaginary bird... he never fails to amaze me.
Armando had his heart set on fall soccer this year. I held back signing him up due to our questionable job transfer situation and now that we are still here and soccer has started their aren't anymore positions left in his age group. Can I tell you just how HORRIBLE I feel? Think of dirt..think of pond scum... think of a pile of **** ( you get it, right?).. My boys heart was broken.. absolutely broken...I should have just signed him up and if I lost the $35.. I lost it.. but for fear of losing the $ I soo disappointed my babe. *tear*... does this make me a bad mommy? Has this traumatized him for life? I have promised him for the past 9 months that I would sign him up.. we go to the rec center and it's been filled up.... my heart dropped... I felt like I needed a RED LETTER painted on my shirt that day to let the world know I squashed my son's hopes and dreams....*sniffle*...
Emilia is growing and growing and growing.. she isn't stopping!!! Make her STOP! She is well over 26", over 16 lbs and wearing 9mo to 12 mo clothing. I have a mindset that the clothing companies are making the clothes smaller than they used to so people can buy MORE clothes. If it hadn't been for my sister in law and my dear friends giving me clothes my child would ONLY be dressed in those darn cute cloth diapers! No.. trust me.. my husband would beg to differ when he has to pay my Carter's bill! *wink*... I always call him to the register and he opens his wallet takes out 1.. no 2.. no 3 .. um..4 $20's... and at that point he is ready to blindfold me and head me to the door!... but don't think he complains... she has him SOOOOO wrapped around that darling lil pinky of hers.!!!! She is sooo lucky to have her daddy's love... she is truly daddy's lil girl... something that just melts my heart....
Nina.. well she is getting older... she'll be 9 soon. She is developing all the old dog attitudes. At this point we have spent over $200 in the past month on vet bills, meds and shampoos...she has developed seasonal allergies and is scratching herself raw and hairless. My poor doggie!
I am hoping to post pics soon, but am having quite the bit of difficulty since I signed up with Road Runner High Speed Online. I have complained over and over, but what can I truly expect for $29 a month.. surely not the fast, internet connection for $60.. but I have to budget.. and I have to bite the bullet and accept lousy service!
I finished my first *real* quilting project.. I made a lap quilt for my god mother.. my Aunt Helma.. I have pics.. but again...(well you know my gripe)... it turned out well... I certainately hope she uses it in good health! Every stitch was sewn with soo much love and gratitude! She was definately my 2nd mommy growing up!
I hope that everyone is well. Emmie is needing her mommy now! She's teething, even though there aren't any teeth showing, you can feel them right under the skin...
Monday, August 07, 2006
Nothing can rain on my parade!
For the past week, we have suffered under the most grueling heat! We had a heat index of 115 degrees faranheit, which is hot but add the humidity and BOY....INSTANT MELTDOWN!
The boys finished VBS on Friday and they had a great time! I was hoping that it wouldn't end.. I loved the atmosphere and the boys were truly having fun. The boys were presented bibles b/c they memorized all of their bible verses. I thought that it was very kind of the church to do that. Armando keeps telling me what verses to read and he reads them to me (with a little help). His mind is like a sponge and wants to learn so much more...that is one reason I like the new church..they have sunday school for 45 minutes and a childrens lesson for 1/2 an hour. It is a great environment for the boys...but...
I am in a dilemna. I really like the some aspects of the new church we have been attending... the people are super nice and sincere, I am very comfortable in the atmosphere and it is a spirit filled church ...but the sermons... they are long, almost tooo long (1/2 hour to 45 mins) and the preacher is very confusing with his thoughts. Willie and I leave asking eachother... what did he say? did you understand his thoughts and what he was trying to convey?...what was he trying to teach us? Maybe it is because he is so very young, but I find myself leaving the church uninspired, untouched and without a lesson. So, do I continue to go b/c of the other positives or should I find another church that leaves me feeling spirit filled, motivated and inspired?
I know the answer... but the boys really like the pastors wife and the other children. BUT.....They can get used to another parish easily enough right?
Emilia is rolling from back to front and front to back now! She is quite the lil creeper now! I find her in the middle of the night all twisted up in blankets! Before I know it she will be crawling... I am not ready for that! My baby is growing too fast! While I am enjoying her milestones, I am saddened at the same time, b/c she is experiencing them too fast. I know that she most likely will be our last babe, and I am just not ready for her to grow so fast. On Friday she weighed 15.3 lbs and is 25 3/4 in long!! She grew over 4 inches in 2 months and the NP is very happy with her growth. Not to mention, she loves E's dipes!!! She will be coming to my home and I will be showing her how to make her own and design some for her!
Armando lost another tooth... he has a mouth full of holes. It is sooo cute when he smiles. I realized the other day just how big he has grown. He is tall, has sparkling eyes and a contagious smile. I can look into his eyes and still see him as a baby..even though he is 7.
Giovanni is handling the lassiaz faire summer well. He generally needs a structured environment, but since VBS, he is handling free time better. Of course he has school work to do, but I don't have the hour by hour structured environment such as school. Giovanni is getting tall, but he is stil thin. The last weigh in, he was 44 lbs and 44 inches... that's a lb an inch... I wouldn't mind that for myself! :)
Willie goes for his 2nd phone interview with the manager in CA. I am keeping my fingers crossed. He has worked so very hard and has accomplished so much in the 10 years with the company that NY just can't offer him what he needs... stability. I am so very proud of him!!!
I really want for us to move to CA, it will be a great new start for us. New York has been good, but the house and extra bills with catholic school has put a great deal of financial stress on us. Even though housing is expensive in CA, we will rent an apt or townhome until we find the absolute perfect house for us. We will not make the same mistake in home buying as we did from MD to NY!!!
But.. if we don't get the job in CA.. I won't be terribly disappointed.. it just wasn't meant to be....
I must be going.... laundry day and I have to make more lists of what to do....
Keeping you in thought and prayer!
For the past week, we have suffered under the most grueling heat! We had a heat index of 115 degrees faranheit, which is hot but add the humidity and BOY....INSTANT MELTDOWN!
The boys finished VBS on Friday and they had a great time! I was hoping that it wouldn't end.. I loved the atmosphere and the boys were truly having fun. The boys were presented bibles b/c they memorized all of their bible verses. I thought that it was very kind of the church to do that. Armando keeps telling me what verses to read and he reads them to me (with a little help). His mind is like a sponge and wants to learn so much more...that is one reason I like the new church..they have sunday school for 45 minutes and a childrens lesson for 1/2 an hour. It is a great environment for the boys...but...
I am in a dilemna. I really like the some aspects of the new church we have been attending... the people are super nice and sincere, I am very comfortable in the atmosphere and it is a spirit filled church ...but the sermons... they are long, almost tooo long (1/2 hour to 45 mins) and the preacher is very confusing with his thoughts. Willie and I leave asking eachother... what did he say? did you understand his thoughts and what he was trying to convey?...what was he trying to teach us? Maybe it is because he is so very young, but I find myself leaving the church uninspired, untouched and without a lesson. So, do I continue to go b/c of the other positives or should I find another church that leaves me feeling spirit filled, motivated and inspired?
I know the answer... but the boys really like the pastors wife and the other children. BUT.....They can get used to another parish easily enough right?
Emilia is rolling from back to front and front to back now! She is quite the lil creeper now! I find her in the middle of the night all twisted up in blankets! Before I know it she will be crawling... I am not ready for that! My baby is growing too fast! While I am enjoying her milestones, I am saddened at the same time, b/c she is experiencing them too fast. I know that she most likely will be our last babe, and I am just not ready for her to grow so fast. On Friday she weighed 15.3 lbs and is 25 3/4 in long!! She grew over 4 inches in 2 months and the NP is very happy with her growth. Not to mention, she loves E's dipes!!! She will be coming to my home and I will be showing her how to make her own and design some for her!
Armando lost another tooth... he has a mouth full of holes. It is sooo cute when he smiles. I realized the other day just how big he has grown. He is tall, has sparkling eyes and a contagious smile. I can look into his eyes and still see him as a baby..even though he is 7.
Giovanni is handling the lassiaz faire summer well. He generally needs a structured environment, but since VBS, he is handling free time better. Of course he has school work to do, but I don't have the hour by hour structured environment such as school. Giovanni is getting tall, but he is stil thin. The last weigh in, he was 44 lbs and 44 inches... that's a lb an inch... I wouldn't mind that for myself! :)
Willie goes for his 2nd phone interview with the manager in CA. I am keeping my fingers crossed. He has worked so very hard and has accomplished so much in the 10 years with the company that NY just can't offer him what he needs... stability. I am so very proud of him!!!
I really want for us to move to CA, it will be a great new start for us. New York has been good, but the house and extra bills with catholic school has put a great deal of financial stress on us. Even though housing is expensive in CA, we will rent an apt or townhome until we find the absolute perfect house for us. We will not make the same mistake in home buying as we did from MD to NY!!!
But.. if we don't get the job in CA.. I won't be terribly disappointed.. it just wasn't meant to be....
I must be going.... laundry day and I have to make more lists of what to do....
Keeping you in thought and prayer!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
"If your going to San Fransisco.. be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"... Jeez.... I love that song...the other song in my head at the moment..."Do you know the way to San Jose"....
As you can tell, all the songs in my head are CA based. There is a possibility that the Bay Area of CA may be our new home. The hiring ban has been lifted for the company Willie works for so now his resume's are getting hits. The manager from CA seemed very interested and will be having a second interview with Willie on the 8th of Aug. We will find out in Sept if we have a new home location or not. I am very excited about the possibility of moving to CA!! How cool! BUT SOOOO EXPENSIVE!!!
The corporate american guilitine will once again be falling in October... so in order for us to have a job.. we MUST leave NY!!!
To move on to other important issues:
The boys started Vacation Bible School on Monday and they are having a GREAT time! I am anxious of finding a church to go where I am comfortable and were I feel welcomed. Long story about my search for a new church, but I think we will continue our search until we can find that sense of belonging.
The quilting playdates are very successful and we are making some beautiful artwork! The diaper making workshop was a smash and the interest in cloth diapers is over whelming.. I have to start hosting them every week intstead of every other week, just to accomodate all the interested people!!
Lil Lady is in dire need of my arms for a nap.... I will touch base later...
Until then.... May every path you take lead you back home!
"If your going to San Fransisco.. be sure to wear some flowers in your hair"... Jeez.... I love that song...the other song in my head at the moment..."Do you know the way to San Jose"....
As you can tell, all the songs in my head are CA based. There is a possibility that the Bay Area of CA may be our new home. The hiring ban has been lifted for the company Willie works for so now his resume's are getting hits. The manager from CA seemed very interested and will be having a second interview with Willie on the 8th of Aug. We will find out in Sept if we have a new home location or not. I am very excited about the possibility of moving to CA!! How cool! BUT SOOOO EXPENSIVE!!!
The corporate american guilitine will once again be falling in October... so in order for us to have a job.. we MUST leave NY!!!
To move on to other important issues:
The boys started Vacation Bible School on Monday and they are having a GREAT time! I am anxious of finding a church to go where I am comfortable and were I feel welcomed. Long story about my search for a new church, but I think we will continue our search until we can find that sense of belonging.
The quilting playdates are very successful and we are making some beautiful artwork! The diaper making workshop was a smash and the interest in cloth diapers is over whelming.. I have to start hosting them every week intstead of every other week, just to accomodate all the interested people!!
Lil Lady is in dire need of my arms for a nap.... I will touch base later...
Until then.... May every path you take lead you back home!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
A Cartoon that gives you a glimpse into our house!
When I saw this, I immediately thought of Armando! And even though I normally do not post things with questionable words in it, and my children do NOT use those words.. it was just hard to pass up sharing! ENJOY!

Thanks to my dear friend Donna who sent this to me and knows that my life is anything but dull and ordinary!
When I saw this, I immediately thought of Armando! And even though I normally do not post things with questionable words in it, and my children do NOT use those words.. it was just hard to pass up sharing! ENJOY!
Thanks to my dear friend Donna who sent this to me and knows that my life is anything but dull and ordinary!
Monday, July 24, 2006
(As my mother would say)
For weeks I have been trying to post pictures and instead of allowing frustration to get the better of me, I decided to try something different.... AND IT WORKED! I was determined to not allow this computer glitch to beat me! and HORRAY... I'VE GOT POSTED PICTURES!!!YEAH! Some pics are older (from the end of June) and some are newer, but ones that I have been wanting to share with you. So.. here goes..
Here is a pic of Emilia and Nina sleeping. After a long tummy time they wore each other out! Nina is never far from her new sister! She even sleeps in her room next to Emilia's crib... Check out Emilia looking in the mirror and all that beauty just made her sleepy! LOL...

Giovanni at his kindergarten graduation pictured with his teacher, on the left, Mrs. Dermody and the principal Sister Lucy. Onward to 1st grade

Armando and his first grade teacher Mrs. Kelly, I could not have asked for a more caring, understanding and gifted teacher for Armando! Armando will be going into the 2nd grade... jeez.. where did the time go?

On Father's Day we went to Junior and Raquels house. It just so happened that the World Cup was in full swing and the Brazilians were playing the Aussie's.. Brazil won!!!! We had a blast!! The food was awesome but the company can never be beaten!!! Can you tell where Jr and Raquel are from?

Here are more dipes that I have made for some customers... they are looking better and better with practice!

I may not have a huge house, a luxury car or an unlimited bank account, but the picture below proves how wealthy my life is!..

More pics to come now that I learned how to post them again! So... keep your eyes peeled.. I have much to post to catch up on!!! Next batch.. Emilia's baptism and our recent trip to the Inner Harbor and the Aquarium in Baltimore.!!!
(As my mother would say)
For weeks I have been trying to post pictures and instead of allowing frustration to get the better of me, I decided to try something different.... AND IT WORKED! I was determined to not allow this computer glitch to beat me! and HORRAY... I'VE GOT POSTED PICTURES!!!YEAH! Some pics are older (from the end of June) and some are newer, but ones that I have been wanting to share with you. So.. here goes..
Here is a pic of Emilia and Nina sleeping. After a long tummy time they wore each other out! Nina is never far from her new sister! She even sleeps in her room next to Emilia's crib... Check out Emilia looking in the mirror and all that beauty just made her sleepy! LOL...
Giovanni at his kindergarten graduation pictured with his teacher, on the left, Mrs. Dermody and the principal Sister Lucy. Onward to 1st grade
Armando and his first grade teacher Mrs. Kelly, I could not have asked for a more caring, understanding and gifted teacher for Armando! Armando will be going into the 2nd grade... jeez.. where did the time go?
On Father's Day we went to Junior and Raquels house. It just so happened that the World Cup was in full swing and the Brazilians were playing the Aussie's.. Brazil won!!!! We had a blast!! The food was awesome but the company can never be beaten!!! Can you tell where Jr and Raquel are from?
Here are more dipes that I have made for some customers... they are looking better and better with practice!
I may not have a huge house, a luxury car or an unlimited bank account, but the picture below proves how wealthy my life is!..
More pics to come now that I learned how to post them again! So... keep your eyes peeled.. I have much to post to catch up on!!! Next batch.. Emilia's baptism and our recent trip to the Inner Harbor and the Aquarium in Baltimore.!!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Today the snap press I ordered arrived. I am soooo exstatic! I can not wait to start practicing! I have been ordering tons of malden mills fleece from the numerous co-ops that have been featuring them. I can't wait to get it all and start making covers for lil miss Emilia.
On Sunday the 16th, Emilia was baptaized. The ceremony was beautiful and we had a wonderful time with the family. I loved being back in the church that holds so many beautiful memories. From elementary school, to our marriage to the boys baptism, to my nephews baptism, other family members weddings.
It was great to be home, the place I grew up, the place that I have some very cherished childhood memories. I reminised riding my horse through the woods, fields and down the dirt roads, which now inhabit developements, a new highway and overgrown brushes. It saddened my heart to see this, but I understand that change occurs, but nonetheless, it was hard to explain to boys what it USED to be.
Emmie (as we lovingly call her) is rolling over now, blowing raspberries for attention and belly laughing. She is making a game out of blowing bubbles it and it is funny.
I have just started a cloth making playdate at my house once a week. Its a great way to get people to learn about cloth diapering and to share in the fun and obsessive qualities of it! Not to mention along with the quilting playdates once a week it gives me the perfect excuse to sew and do something I love twice a week... there is a reason for my madness :):):)!!!
I have been trying to post this for almost a week, and I keep saving it as a draft, but today, God Willing, it will be posted. I still am unable to post pics and that burns me to no end, but the savings of $25 a month sure helps! So... what's a little sacrifice?
If you're still reading my posts.... thank you.... I would love to hear any comments at all! May you stay safe and happy! Namaste'!
Today the snap press I ordered arrived. I am soooo exstatic! I can not wait to start practicing! I have been ordering tons of malden mills fleece from the numerous co-ops that have been featuring them. I can't wait to get it all and start making covers for lil miss Emilia.
On Sunday the 16th, Emilia was baptaized. The ceremony was beautiful and we had a wonderful time with the family. I loved being back in the church that holds so many beautiful memories. From elementary school, to our marriage to the boys baptism, to my nephews baptism, other family members weddings.
It was great to be home, the place I grew up, the place that I have some very cherished childhood memories. I reminised riding my horse through the woods, fields and down the dirt roads, which now inhabit developements, a new highway and overgrown brushes. It saddened my heart to see this, but I understand that change occurs, but nonetheless, it was hard to explain to boys what it USED to be.
Emmie (as we lovingly call her) is rolling over now, blowing raspberries for attention and belly laughing. She is making a game out of blowing bubbles it and it is funny.
I have just started a cloth making playdate at my house once a week. Its a great way to get people to learn about cloth diapering and to share in the fun and obsessive qualities of it! Not to mention along with the quilting playdates once a week it gives me the perfect excuse to sew and do something I love twice a week... there is a reason for my madness :):):)!!!
I have been trying to post this for almost a week, and I keep saving it as a draft, but today, God Willing, it will be posted. I still am unable to post pics and that burns me to no end, but the savings of $25 a month sure helps! So... what's a little sacrifice?
If you're still reading my posts.... thank you.... I would love to hear any comments at all! May you stay safe and happy! Namaste'!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Your life is like a pebble being thrown into a pond.... all the ripples represent the lives you have touched
That is an old saying my mother used to tell me. How true it is....
A dear friend sent this to me and I just had to share: )Thanks Donna :):):)
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When
you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When
someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you
have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to
provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically,
emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any
wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all
other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is
blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a
season or a lifetime.
That is an old saying my mother used to tell me. How true it is....
A dear friend sent this to me and I just had to share: )Thanks Donna :):):)
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When
you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When
someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you
have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to
provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically,
emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any
wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all
other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is
blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a
season or a lifetime.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
By George..I think I have it!!
I have not been able to post pics here and have been having a somewhat slower internet connection. I realize why.... in order to save over $25 a month, we switched from AOL to AOL powered by Road Runner High Speed. Even though Road Runner promised to have the same internet speed and function, obviously they misinformed me! So.... what to do? Save the $25 a month only to post pics and for less aggravation.... OR..... pay the $25 extra a month for smooth sailing. What to do... what to do?
I soooo wanted to share with you my pics... we have a collection of some wonderful fun! But.....anyhoot....
My quilting playdates are beginning to come along.. and there is quite an interest in the HVSAHM's group I'm in. I will be making a lap quilt for my god-mother and a quilt for Emilia. I have the cutest girly fabrics! I am just having tooooo much fun with the pinks and purples, strawberry shortcake, my little pony and tinkerbelle designs! Someone stop me! PLEASE!
My diapers are becoming popular and people are interested in purchasing them. I set up meetings with them to come to the house and they custom design them. The customers get to pick out the style, colors and what works best for them. One lady said that she actually wants to hire me for the next 2 years!! hee hee!!! I have ordered many cool fabrics and began designing new patterns! WOO HOO! My sewing room has now extended into my kitchen and dining room on my sewing days.... between the bins of fabric, cutting boards, sewing machines and patterns.... I have been using every flat service in the house! The clean up is soooo not fun!
So with this new venture it creates another dilemna... should I purchase a snap press or embroidery machine????.... I know.. the difference in $ between the two is a jump, but I have the $ for either. (I just feel guilty spending almost $400 on an embroidery machine!) I think that the snap press will be more beneficial right now and I could offer either snaps or aplix for my dipes. More options make people happy. BUT I love the look of embroidery, but not loving the price. LIGHTBULB MOMENT.... As I am writing this... I have made my decision.... the snap press.
Well... time for Sunday breakfast and get the griddle griddeling... love these.... it's like a Southern Buffet.... just like when I was growing up!
Hugs to all!
I have not been able to post pics here and have been having a somewhat slower internet connection. I realize why.... in order to save over $25 a month, we switched from AOL to AOL powered by Road Runner High Speed. Even though Road Runner promised to have the same internet speed and function, obviously they misinformed me! So.... what to do? Save the $25 a month only to post pics and for less aggravation.... OR..... pay the $25 extra a month for smooth sailing. What to do... what to do?
I soooo wanted to share with you my pics... we have a collection of some wonderful fun! But.....anyhoot....
My quilting playdates are beginning to come along.. and there is quite an interest in the HVSAHM's group I'm in. I will be making a lap quilt for my god-mother and a quilt for Emilia. I have the cutest girly fabrics! I am just having tooooo much fun with the pinks and purples, strawberry shortcake, my little pony and tinkerbelle designs! Someone stop me! PLEASE!
My diapers are becoming popular and people are interested in purchasing them. I set up meetings with them to come to the house and they custom design them. The customers get to pick out the style, colors and what works best for them. One lady said that she actually wants to hire me for the next 2 years!! hee hee!!! I have ordered many cool fabrics and began designing new patterns! WOO HOO! My sewing room has now extended into my kitchen and dining room on my sewing days.... between the bins of fabric, cutting boards, sewing machines and patterns.... I have been using every flat service in the house! The clean up is soooo not fun!
So with this new venture it creates another dilemna... should I purchase a snap press or embroidery machine????.... I know.. the difference in $ between the two is a jump, but I have the $ for either. (I just feel guilty spending almost $400 on an embroidery machine!) I think that the snap press will be more beneficial right now and I could offer either snaps or aplix for my dipes. More options make people happy. BUT I love the look of embroidery, but not loving the price. LIGHTBULB MOMENT.... As I am writing this... I have made my decision.... the snap press.
Well... time for Sunday breakfast and get the griddle griddeling... love these.... it's like a Southern Buffet.... just like when I was growing up!
Hugs to all!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
One would never know it was summer with this crazy weather. I am sitting here in jogging pants w/o the ac on and I'm comfortable... and's July 6th! Just weird, I say!
But nonetheless... this summer has been keeping us all busy and on our toes. So many holidays and reasons for celebration have passed.. Mother's Day..Giovanni's Kindergarten Graduation... The last day of school... Armando loosing 3 teeth in 5 days....Emmy beginning to roll over... My husband safe from the Corporate American chopping block...My B-Day... Father's Day... 4th of July... so.... Instead of alot of blah, blah, blah... I will just let the pics of our summer thus far speak for us!
(Blogger is not letting me post pics right now.. but I will try back again later)
So.... it looks as if Rhode Island MAY just be our new resting place. Hopefully Willie will get a phone call for an interview. That would be nice. A new start somewhere else... I truly am a gypsy at heart. I love change and best of all.... I love to move and learn about new areas.. new cultures.. and new traditions.
Emilia's baptism is set for July 16th. I am soooo excited! We are going home to MD and having the ceremony in the church where I went to school, where we got married and where the boys were baptized. I am looking forward to sitting in that beautiful church reminiscing of all the wonderful moments that was spent there over the course of 21 years!
Giovanni and Armando are enjoying their summer.... they are staying in more b/c of all of the torrential rain that has been hounding us lately. But we still are having those lazy hazy days of summer! I have more artwork than what I can hang from these two!
Time to start the dinner so....
I pray that you stay safe and have an enjoyable summer! Until next time!
One would never know it was summer with this crazy weather. I am sitting here in jogging pants w/o the ac on and I'm comfortable... and's July 6th! Just weird, I say!
But nonetheless... this summer has been keeping us all busy and on our toes. So many holidays and reasons for celebration have passed.. Mother's Day..Giovanni's Kindergarten Graduation... The last day of school... Armando loosing 3 teeth in 5 days....Emmy beginning to roll over... My husband safe from the Corporate American chopping block...My B-Day... Father's Day... 4th of July... so.... Instead of alot of blah, blah, blah... I will just let the pics of our summer thus far speak for us!
(Blogger is not letting me post pics right now.. but I will try back again later)
So.... it looks as if Rhode Island MAY just be our new resting place. Hopefully Willie will get a phone call for an interview. That would be nice. A new start somewhere else... I truly am a gypsy at heart. I love change and best of all.... I love to move and learn about new areas.. new cultures.. and new traditions.
Emilia's baptism is set for July 16th. I am soooo excited! We are going home to MD and having the ceremony in the church where I went to school, where we got married and where the boys were baptized. I am looking forward to sitting in that beautiful church reminiscing of all the wonderful moments that was spent there over the course of 21 years!
Giovanni and Armando are enjoying their summer.... they are staying in more b/c of all of the torrential rain that has been hounding us lately. But we still are having those lazy hazy days of summer! I have more artwork than what I can hang from these two!
Time to start the dinner so....
I pray that you stay safe and have an enjoyable summer! Until next time!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Armando lost his top right tooth on Friday and yesterday he lost his bottom 2nd tooth. WOW! He looks sooo cute when he smiles and it is another reminder that my baby is getting bigger.

This morning Armando came out of his room very sad... I asked him what was wrong and he said that the tooth fairy forgot to visit him last night. Well... that fairy and I are going to have a serious talk.. how dare she forget... I bet she was tired and meant to, but fell asleep, but none the less.. I am not very happy with her today. She BETTER visit tonight.
Emilia is sleeping now and I should be doing things that I can ONLY get done while she is'm off to the laundry room. A-Folding I will do.. A-folding I will do.. Hi Ho a Merry-O a Laundry I must do.
Armando lost his top right tooth on Friday and yesterday he lost his bottom 2nd tooth. WOW! He looks sooo cute when he smiles and it is another reminder that my baby is getting bigger.

This morning Armando came out of his room very sad... I asked him what was wrong and he said that the tooth fairy forgot to visit him last night. Well... that fairy and I are going to have a serious talk.. how dare she forget... I bet she was tired and meant to, but fell asleep, but none the less.. I am not very happy with her today. She BETTER visit tonight.
Emilia is sleeping now and I should be doing things that I can ONLY get done while she is'm off to the laundry room. A-Folding I will do.. A-folding I will do.. Hi Ho a Merry-O a Laundry I must do.
Friday, June 09, 2006
(Blowing Dust)....I SEE IT NOW...MY SEWING MACHINE!!!!
Under 2 inches of sat on my cluttered sewing table. I missed my old friends, my sewing machine and serger. So at 12 midnight last night I decided to make lil lady a new diaper. I finished it around 1 a.m. and even though I didn't put any velcro on it, she wore it today with a pin.. too cute.. here's some pics! I feel like the QUEEN ON THE WORLD!! I am overflowing with accomplishment.. WOO HOO!
Emjoy the pics... I will be posting more soon! Thanks for showing an interest to a SAHM's crazy, insane yet wonderful life!
Under 2 inches of sat on my cluttered sewing table. I missed my old friends, my sewing machine and serger. So at 12 midnight last night I decided to make lil lady a new diaper. I finished it around 1 a.m. and even though I didn't put any velcro on it, she wore it today with a pin.. too cute.. here's some pics! I feel like the QUEEN ON THE WORLD!! I am overflowing with accomplishment.. WOO HOO!

Emjoy the pics... I will be posting more soon! Thanks for showing an interest to a SAHM's crazy, insane yet wonderful life!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
I found it.. even had it in my grasp for a short few moments.. but at least I know it can be found again. Hope has been restored that there is serenity in a time of turmoil.
I found my solace late at night, when all were asleep, and I sat on the floor in Emilia's room with a cup of hot tea and folded her clothes. Emilia's room has been the room in which I have found the most peace. I sense my grandmother's presence there and it is ever so strong. I had dreams of my grandmom Emilie throughout my whole pregnancy and a couple of times even sensed her in the nursery. When Emilia is laying on the changing table she is always looking over my shoulder or behind me and she begins to smile, coo and blow bubbles. Without a doubt I know that my grandmother is there and it comforts me knowing that she is my daughter's, her namesake's guardian angel.
Now that I know that solace can be found... I am on the quest to find it more often and for longer periods of time... but when and where to start? I'm going to go now & get a hot cup of tea and sit with Emilia in her room......that's a start.
I found it.. even had it in my grasp for a short few moments.. but at least I know it can be found again. Hope has been restored that there is serenity in a time of turmoil.
I found my solace late at night, when all were asleep, and I sat on the floor in Emilia's room with a cup of hot tea and folded her clothes. Emilia's room has been the room in which I have found the most peace. I sense my grandmother's presence there and it is ever so strong. I had dreams of my grandmom Emilie throughout my whole pregnancy and a couple of times even sensed her in the nursery. When Emilia is laying on the changing table she is always looking over my shoulder or behind me and she begins to smile, coo and blow bubbles. Without a doubt I know that my grandmother is there and it comforts me knowing that she is my daughter's, her namesake's guardian angel.
Now that I know that solace can be found... I am on the quest to find it more often and for longer periods of time... but when and where to start? I'm going to go now & get a hot cup of tea and sit with Emilia in her room......that's a start.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Extra!! Extra!! Corporate America destroys lives...
Okay.. normally I don't post too much personal or financial information but this situation is an exception and I need to just vent. Our situation at this point is dire and if I don't write my feelings than they will eat me alive.
Our grim situation goes like this: Since the beginning of the year Will has been fighting the corporate monster and all their twisted "corporate decisions" (I say "their" b/c it's the people running the corporation without one strand of humanity). We all know that "s**t rolls down hill" well not only does it roll down hill, but we know that the one that intitally starts the ball rolling never takes the responsibility and admit that THEY screwed up. Instead they point the finger to the guy a step or two lower and say..."HIM... he did it" and no one will listen to the pleas of the guy lower on the corporate ladder. Will has devoted almost 10 years to this mammoth of a corporation, we have moved hundreds of miles from our family, we have sacrificed 2 years of our lives spent in different states just to keep his job...only to reach the end of the road.. no job.
What did Will do you might ask? NOTHING.. HIS BOSS screwed up #'s, and to follow up his mistake he had to follow corporate protocol and put him on a program that inevitably gives you the "kick you in the a*s" and leads you to the "see you later...sianara..adios" door without a second notice. All b/c someone wasn't trained enough to know his job and b/c people wouldn't say.."Remove him from this program, he doesn't belong.. SO&SO put the wrong guys #'s on Will's workload which lowered his work productivity which gave him a bad year.. which took away his bonus.. which took awaay his raise"... it was that simple. BUt would anyone stand up and fight for what was right.. HELL NO! Because then they would be admitting that they approved the managers decision without examining the whole situation. Which then means they didn't do THEIR job.
So please tell me? Where did we go wrong? Why have we allowed corporate America to grow into such an emotionally detached monopoly that we allow it to treat it's workers like #'s. Where the workers can't defend themselves? Where you hear.."Well, Will.. we see that you were placed on this program falsely, but I can't remove you from it b/c it then looks like I made a mistake and we can't allow that now can we?" (smug laughter to follow) Where are the times when bosses knew their workers child's names, where a man's job allowed nightly family dinners, where work stays at work and the best of all.. weekends off? Those were the days my friend.. when an employee was thought of as a person, not some "position to be filled" or as a "payroll cut".
I am totally starting to see the bleakness of it all. For months my husband and I have had some tension b/c of this job situation and he kept trying to tell me the outcome. But I didn't want to believe it.. how could I? I kept thinking..this is just another "Mega Corporate Drama" it happens every year.. it will all be fine... BUT IT ISN'T GOING TO BE FINE THIS TIME!!! This is truly the bottom of the barrel, there aren't anymore escape routes. In 30 days we will be jobless. We can survive for 3 months but after that.. we LOOSE EVERYTHING! If our house doesn't sell, the bank takes it.. if we can't pay for our cars (which are NOT new).. are gone.. the boy's catholic school.. no more...hell, what am I thinking... FOOD??????
Granted we do not live a life of luxury.. we live paycheck to paycheck without any credit cards to help out. We have to at times rob peter to pay paul and bills do get piled up. BUT TO LOSE EVERYTHING? I weep at the thought of telling my children that they will no longer have a bedroom to sleep in.. that their toys will be put into storage so we can go live in my mothers club room after we loose everything. How can I look into my child's eyes and tell them that their "new home" in another state will most likely not happen for a couple of years? How can I explain how long a year is when an hour seems like an eternity? How can I tell them that Daddy will have to live in NY with his mom while we live in MD again? (NY offers more opportunities to for a job, but we can't afford to live here b/c the rent is sooo high.) Please someone tell me how can I do these things?
Will won't get another job making the $ he makes now. His payscale is too high and when we do lose our job all the job apps for other managerial postiions i other states will be null and void through the company. So how can you buy a house on say $35,000 a year... YOU CAN'T!!! We are barely making it at 3 X's that now!
So now I look at my house, my life.. everything Will worked so hard to build for us.. and I am truly saddened at how he must feel defeated. How as a provider he feels that he has failed us. He hasn't failed us.. I know that... what has failed us is people with a conscious. What has failed us is people standing up like a man and taking the heat for their mistakes, instead of being a coward and covering it up. I am angry that people don't take responsibility for their ignorance. I am angry that after 8 years of perfect appraisals that 1 year of bad numbers (that were falsely recorded) are the cause of losing a way of life and NO ONE WILL ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that the manager that did this to Will did this to Will intentionally. To set him up...
Corporations were set up to give jobs, to make an impact on society, and lets face it.. to make the big guys rich. But to destroy a human? Is that truly what corporate america has set out to do? "To Hell with humanity.. onward and upward"?
Okay.. normally I don't post too much personal or financial information but this situation is an exception and I need to just vent. Our situation at this point is dire and if I don't write my feelings than they will eat me alive.
Our grim situation goes like this: Since the beginning of the year Will has been fighting the corporate monster and all their twisted "corporate decisions" (I say "their" b/c it's the people running the corporation without one strand of humanity). We all know that "s**t rolls down hill" well not only does it roll down hill, but we know that the one that intitally starts the ball rolling never takes the responsibility and admit that THEY screwed up. Instead they point the finger to the guy a step or two lower and say..."HIM... he did it" and no one will listen to the pleas of the guy lower on the corporate ladder. Will has devoted almost 10 years to this mammoth of a corporation, we have moved hundreds of miles from our family, we have sacrificed 2 years of our lives spent in different states just to keep his job...only to reach the end of the road.. no job.
What did Will do you might ask? NOTHING.. HIS BOSS screwed up #'s, and to follow up his mistake he had to follow corporate protocol and put him on a program that inevitably gives you the "kick you in the a*s" and leads you to the "see you later...sianara..adios" door without a second notice. All b/c someone wasn't trained enough to know his job and b/c people wouldn't say.."Remove him from this program, he doesn't belong.. SO&SO put the wrong guys #'s on Will's workload which lowered his work productivity which gave him a bad year.. which took away his bonus.. which took awaay his raise"... it was that simple. BUt would anyone stand up and fight for what was right.. HELL NO! Because then they would be admitting that they approved the managers decision without examining the whole situation. Which then means they didn't do THEIR job.
So please tell me? Where did we go wrong? Why have we allowed corporate America to grow into such an emotionally detached monopoly that we allow it to treat it's workers like #'s. Where the workers can't defend themselves? Where you hear.."Well, Will.. we see that you were placed on this program falsely, but I can't remove you from it b/c it then looks like I made a mistake and we can't allow that now can we?" (smug laughter to follow) Where are the times when bosses knew their workers child's names, where a man's job allowed nightly family dinners, where work stays at work and the best of all.. weekends off? Those were the days my friend.. when an employee was thought of as a person, not some "position to be filled" or as a "payroll cut".
I am totally starting to see the bleakness of it all. For months my husband and I have had some tension b/c of this job situation and he kept trying to tell me the outcome. But I didn't want to believe it.. how could I? I kept thinking..this is just another "Mega Corporate Drama" it happens every year.. it will all be fine... BUT IT ISN'T GOING TO BE FINE THIS TIME!!! This is truly the bottom of the barrel, there aren't anymore escape routes. In 30 days we will be jobless. We can survive for 3 months but after that.. we LOOSE EVERYTHING! If our house doesn't sell, the bank takes it.. if we can't pay for our cars (which are NOT new).. are gone.. the boy's catholic school.. no more...hell, what am I thinking... FOOD??????
Granted we do not live a life of luxury.. we live paycheck to paycheck without any credit cards to help out. We have to at times rob peter to pay paul and bills do get piled up. BUT TO LOSE EVERYTHING? I weep at the thought of telling my children that they will no longer have a bedroom to sleep in.. that their toys will be put into storage so we can go live in my mothers club room after we loose everything. How can I look into my child's eyes and tell them that their "new home" in another state will most likely not happen for a couple of years? How can I explain how long a year is when an hour seems like an eternity? How can I tell them that Daddy will have to live in NY with his mom while we live in MD again? (NY offers more opportunities to for a job, but we can't afford to live here b/c the rent is sooo high.) Please someone tell me how can I do these things?
Will won't get another job making the $ he makes now. His payscale is too high and when we do lose our job all the job apps for other managerial postiions i other states will be null and void through the company. So how can you buy a house on say $35,000 a year... YOU CAN'T!!! We are barely making it at 3 X's that now!
So now I look at my house, my life.. everything Will worked so hard to build for us.. and I am truly saddened at how he must feel defeated. How as a provider he feels that he has failed us. He hasn't failed us.. I know that... what has failed us is people with a conscious. What has failed us is people standing up like a man and taking the heat for their mistakes, instead of being a coward and covering it up. I am angry that people don't take responsibility for their ignorance. I am angry that after 8 years of perfect appraisals that 1 year of bad numbers (that were falsely recorded) are the cause of losing a way of life and NO ONE WILL ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that the manager that did this to Will did this to Will intentionally. To set him up...
Corporations were set up to give jobs, to make an impact on society, and lets face it.. to make the big guys rich. But to destroy a human? Is that truly what corporate america has set out to do? "To Hell with humanity.. onward and upward"?
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
A Bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in a bush!!!
On Sunday, while I was feeding Emilia, Armando and Giovanni come barrelling into the house saying: "Look Mom a bird!".. I looked at them and there Armando was holding a baby bird. I thought.. Great.. just great... bugs.... but then I said.. Okay... Lets find it's mama. The poor lil thing hurt it's wing falling out of the tree and you can tell it was dazed a bit, but after awhile it started getting restless and looking up to the trees. I called a wildlife rescue and they said to leave it be for an hour and it's mama will find it. But baby birds fall out of trees and are on the ground for up to 2 weeks before it can fly... I thought.. I don't have 2 weeks to baby this baby.. I have Emilia! But.. Sure enough.. mama came to the rescue within a half an hour and was coaxing the chick to some brush.
Before the "release" I took some pics.

Whoever said that life was dull and boring obviously did not have children!!!
On Sunday, while I was feeding Emilia, Armando and Giovanni come barrelling into the house saying: "Look Mom a bird!".. I looked at them and there Armando was holding a baby bird. I thought.. Great.. just great... bugs.... but then I said.. Okay... Lets find it's mama. The poor lil thing hurt it's wing falling out of the tree and you can tell it was dazed a bit, but after awhile it started getting restless and looking up to the trees. I called a wildlife rescue and they said to leave it be for an hour and it's mama will find it. But baby birds fall out of trees and are on the ground for up to 2 weeks before it can fly... I thought.. I don't have 2 weeks to baby this baby.. I have Emilia! But.. Sure enough.. mama came to the rescue within a half an hour and was coaxing the chick to some brush.
Before the "release" I took some pics.

Whoever said that life was dull and boring obviously did not have children!!!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Blowing Bubbles....
Emilia is fastly becoming my main source of entertainment when the boys are in school. Her cooing and bubble blowing are keeping me busy. Here's a pic of her today.

A pic of Armando and Giovanni with Emilia. Isn't it amazing how much they look alike? I get asked if they are twins all the time...It's soo hard to believe that they are 5 and 7 already.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Emilia is fastly becoming my main source of entertainment when the boys are in school. Her cooing and bubble blowing are keeping me busy. Here's a pic of her today.

A pic of Armando and Giovanni with Emilia. Isn't it amazing how much they look alike? I get asked if they are twins all the time...It's soo hard to believe that they are 5 and 7 already.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I am hoping to not jinx myself...... but little lady has been sleeping like a champ these past 3 nights. She has been going down around 9:30pm and sleeping until around 5am!! I feel like a new person!!! I am beginning to think "out of the fog".
Little Lady is sleeping now and I am tackeling the laundry. I had it ALL done on Sunday... but laundry is just like a monkey on my back... I can get away from it and it is consuming me!!!
I am sooo glad that we have chosen to cloth diaper!! A friend and I were just talking about the new prices of child rearing and I can not believe just how expensive disposables are! WOW! I am thanking my lucky stars everytime I have to do that extra load of laundry every other day! I'm saving approx $9.00! That's almost $50 a month!! WOO HOO!
Yesterday... I had a great life lesson.... I was at my wits end at my breaking point and ready to cry.. but instead I just took a minute to smile and laugh at the madness of it all. The phone was ringing, the baby was SCREAMING, the boys were fighting, dinner was over cooking and the dog was barking. I was tested to the extreme and I came out of it unscathed! I guess the old cliche that God doesn't give u more than what you can handle is true... I just wish he wouldn't test me soo much at one time! :):)
I am keeping my fingers crossed that we hear something from my husbands perspective new boss(es). We have applied for a laterial position transfer in PA and are anxiously awaiting word. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a positive outcome.. we are looking forward to a possible move closer to home.
Well... I must tackle the chore of the day.... laundry...
HOpe all is well... and sending much love and light!
I am hoping to not jinx myself...... but little lady has been sleeping like a champ these past 3 nights. She has been going down around 9:30pm and sleeping until around 5am!! I feel like a new person!!! I am beginning to think "out of the fog".
Little Lady is sleeping now and I am tackeling the laundry. I had it ALL done on Sunday... but laundry is just like a monkey on my back... I can get away from it and it is consuming me!!!
I am sooo glad that we have chosen to cloth diaper!! A friend and I were just talking about the new prices of child rearing and I can not believe just how expensive disposables are! WOW! I am thanking my lucky stars everytime I have to do that extra load of laundry every other day! I'm saving approx $9.00! That's almost $50 a month!! WOO HOO!
Yesterday... I had a great life lesson.... I was at my wits end at my breaking point and ready to cry.. but instead I just took a minute to smile and laugh at the madness of it all. The phone was ringing, the baby was SCREAMING, the boys were fighting, dinner was over cooking and the dog was barking. I was tested to the extreme and I came out of it unscathed! I guess the old cliche that God doesn't give u more than what you can handle is true... I just wish he wouldn't test me soo much at one time! :):)
I am keeping my fingers crossed that we hear something from my husbands perspective new boss(es). We have applied for a laterial position transfer in PA and are anxiously awaiting word. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is a positive outcome.. we are looking forward to a possible move closer to home.
Well... I must tackle the chore of the day.... laundry...
HOpe all is well... and sending much love and light!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words:

The first pic is of the boys, proud as can be with their Lego creation. They absolutely love lego and it keeps them busy for hours. THANK GOD for LEGO!!!

Here's Little Lady sleeping. She is sooo beautiful and such an angel. Is it possible to love anything more than your own child?

I absolutely love this pic. Both DH and Little Lady are sleeping. Emilia is hanging on.... that is for sure! She was slowly sliding down hubby's stomach. This pic makes me smile every time I see it!

And here is Nina: my first baby. She was the first little girl in our lives. It never fails that she sits in the car seat when she can get the chance. When Armando was a baby it got to the point where Nina wouldn't eat unless she was in the HIGH CHAIR! Talk about spoiled dog!

Thanks for taking the time to check in. I will try to make it a priority to say a word or two every other day.
God Bless and keep safe!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Where....Oh Where to begin.....
Sooo much has happened in these past few weeks since I last posted. But let me first start off by wishing my wonderful family and friends a VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!
Little Lady will be 2 months old on the 17th!! (where has the time gone!) She is smiling and cooing and it is overflowing my heart with sooo much emotion!! The boys are enjoying her more b/c she is getting a little more interactive. She is getting soo big that she has an "outgrown" bin for storage started and almost full!!
Armando has had a tough week, between the bee stings, almost breaking his nose, getting hit below the eye with a drum and choking on proscuitto.. I'm surprised that we haven't had to make a trip to the hospital.
Giovanni is up to his "trickster" old self. No accidents to mention. But he has found his love of building and drawing. I see an architectural future for him. He is quite the bookworm and would rather read than play outdoors. It's like pulling teeth to get him to play outside! If you mention water gun though.. you can't hold him back!!!
I am doing well. My list making has become somewhat a thing of the past. I am making a small list daily, with only 3-4 "TO DO" things on it. That way I can accomplish them and I feel GREAT!!!! I was making my normal long lists and when I would only accomplish 3-4 things on it, I would feel like I didn't get ANYTHING accomplished, so I had to change my list making to keep my self esteem and good mood flowing! Lesson: Learn to balance the important things in life... vacumming and dusting is NOT important.. napping with baby in arms.. VERY IMPORTANT!!! (however, my house is not disgusting dirty, I do clean every other day! But during my time not cleaning, I have taught the dust bunnies to hide when company comes over! ;) )))
I'm little tired and overwhelmed by the amount of remodeling work that needs to still get accomplished in my house, but it all takes time and $$ and we have more time than $$ right now. Actually we are looking to relocate now so the house updating must take a more nitrous powered, all systems go, full steam ahead, CHARGE approach and do what we can physically and monetarily. But I'm excited of the potential move despite the feelings of being overwhelmed with OH MY GOSH... I NEED TO DO THIS... THIS... AND THIS!!!!
I will be posting updated pics soon, I have to make discs first. Finding time on the computer has been very hard and if I make it on every other day I am lucky!! But I thank you for keep checking in and very faithful to my ramblings of insanity!
Lesson I have learned lately: You can babywear, vacuum and dance all at the same time!!
Hugz my friend!
Sooo much has happened in these past few weeks since I last posted. But let me first start off by wishing my wonderful family and friends a VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!
Little Lady will be 2 months old on the 17th!! (where has the time gone!) She is smiling and cooing and it is overflowing my heart with sooo much emotion!! The boys are enjoying her more b/c she is getting a little more interactive. She is getting soo big that she has an "outgrown" bin for storage started and almost full!!
Armando has had a tough week, between the bee stings, almost breaking his nose, getting hit below the eye with a drum and choking on proscuitto.. I'm surprised that we haven't had to make a trip to the hospital.
Giovanni is up to his "trickster" old self. No accidents to mention. But he has found his love of building and drawing. I see an architectural future for him. He is quite the bookworm and would rather read than play outdoors. It's like pulling teeth to get him to play outside! If you mention water gun though.. you can't hold him back!!!
I am doing well. My list making has become somewhat a thing of the past. I am making a small list daily, with only 3-4 "TO DO" things on it. That way I can accomplish them and I feel GREAT!!!! I was making my normal long lists and when I would only accomplish 3-4 things on it, I would feel like I didn't get ANYTHING accomplished, so I had to change my list making to keep my self esteem and good mood flowing! Lesson: Learn to balance the important things in life... vacumming and dusting is NOT important.. napping with baby in arms.. VERY IMPORTANT!!! (however, my house is not disgusting dirty, I do clean every other day! But during my time not cleaning, I have taught the dust bunnies to hide when company comes over! ;) )))
I'm little tired and overwhelmed by the amount of remodeling work that needs to still get accomplished in my house, but it all takes time and $$ and we have more time than $$ right now. Actually we are looking to relocate now so the house updating must take a more nitrous powered, all systems go, full steam ahead, CHARGE approach and do what we can physically and monetarily. But I'm excited of the potential move despite the feelings of being overwhelmed with OH MY GOSH... I NEED TO DO THIS... THIS... AND THIS!!!!
I will be posting updated pics soon, I have to make discs first. Finding time on the computer has been very hard and if I make it on every other day I am lucky!! But I thank you for keep checking in and very faithful to my ramblings of insanity!
Lesson I have learned lately: You can babywear, vacuum and dance all at the same time!!
Hugz my friend!
Friday, April 28, 2006

Spring has officially sprung and cabin fever has become a distant memory to the two active lil boys in our house. They are soo busy playing baseball, soccer, chasing butterflies and searching under rocks for all the creepy crawlies that their brain has went straight to "summer play mode"! They are not letting any grass grow under their feet, that is for sure! And watching them play and giggle made me realize that life is beautiful and oh...sooo short....
I remember my childhood, at their age, doing the same things... our favorite night activity was taking baseball bats and chasing the lightning bugs and whacking them then collecting them in jars that we called "nightlights". I know.... violent, cruel to animals and frankly just plain sick behaviour, but back then, we didn't realize what we were doing. We were having fun w/o causing a ruckus. My god-brothers (who were my neighbors) used to smear the "glowing stuff" on their face and chase me while threatening to make me all aglow. I can still hear myself screaming!!! I remember the smell of the bay in the evening. Our daily swimming rituals, the innertube games..king of the mountain, tag, bet you can't flip me!!
My fondest memories and the best of all.... the mud fights... our moms used to get sooo mad... but I remember the fun, the squishiness of it. I remember my mom always saying... "Kristina Marie... I will NEVER get those clothes clean!"..... I find myself saying that to my two adventure seeking boys. I truly have become my mother and I can honestly say... that is the best part of me. If someone tells me..."Your just like your mother!"... I feel honored.
And then... life goes on.. summer turns into fall, fall into winter, winter into spring, and spring into thing you know.. your a year older. Soon, chasing bugs and having mud fights got left behind in my childhood. Ring around the rosie got replaced with Heart, the Grateful Dead, Melanie, Janis Joplin, Joan Baez and Jefferson Airplane. And now.. at 33 I am wondering where the time went.
Tearfully I look back on those times.. but happy tears...and I am determined to allow my children to grow old have those mud fights, to create slip and slides out of the grass and dirt in the back yard and create a huge 100 ft grass baren spot, to chase bugs. Just on Easter..Armando comes in with his butterfly net and says..."Look mom, a dead mouse".. I left my heart on the floor and gently guided him back outside and threw the whole mess into the garbage. Then we went inside for a hand cleanin never to be forgotten!! But how funny.... I will never forget that moment (and neither will our guests!) and that will always be cherished in my heart. For that will always be remembered by him just as my "lightning bug ventures" will be remembered by me.
My beautiful babes, please live life to the fullest... take life by the horns and never be afraid.... always stop to smell the flowers, take off your shoes and feel the earth beneath your feet, never forget that each day is a blessing and always stop... look up and give thanks.
Saturday, April 15, 2006

She is starting to fill out and loose that newborn look (her cheeks are getting sooo chunky). Her newborn dipes are getting a lil tight around her waist. WOW! It is all happening too soon! I waited forever for her to come and now she is growing too fast! SLOW DOWN PLEASE!!!
UH OH.. talk about getting chunky... she's calling me over now b/c she is hungry!!
Have a Happy and Blessed Easter!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Beautiful Minds
Yesterday I ran into the Chairperson of the CPSE dept of Special Education. Joann and I have history because she chairpersoned both of my son's cases and I am a voluteer parent advocate. We greeted and exchanged pleasantries, and immediately she asked how the boys were doing. She was genuinely interested. Knowing how difficult the past was, she was curious as to how they were handling mainstream school (they go to a private catholic school out of fear of getting lost and Pushed through the school system) and if they were able to aclimate successfully. Of course, they are doing well and granted we do hit some speed bumps, but it is not undealable.
It then occured to me, people not only view my boys as busy little boys but that they are viewed as children with special needs needing special services and extra attention regarding diet and discipline.
I don't view my children as having PDD's, 1 with ADHD with ODD, and 1 with Aspergers Autism. I see them as having beautiful minds. Yes, a little more attention is needed and I do deal with a great deal more challenges but keeping God on speed dial is definately a must, but I see my beautiful boys as gifted and I know our family is blessed. (things could be worse!)
Then another thought occured to me... Einstein.. wasn't he challenged even possibly autistic?? Most of your prodigies, genious's are "special need" individuals. So every negative has a postive.
So from now on...I don't consider my children as children with disabilites or special needed individuals, I see them as gifted and one of a kind.
Yesterday I ran into the Chairperson of the CPSE dept of Special Education. Joann and I have history because she chairpersoned both of my son's cases and I am a voluteer parent advocate. We greeted and exchanged pleasantries, and immediately she asked how the boys were doing. She was genuinely interested. Knowing how difficult the past was, she was curious as to how they were handling mainstream school (they go to a private catholic school out of fear of getting lost and Pushed through the school system) and if they were able to aclimate successfully. Of course, they are doing well and granted we do hit some speed bumps, but it is not undealable.
It then occured to me, people not only view my boys as busy little boys but that they are viewed as children with special needs needing special services and extra attention regarding diet and discipline.
I don't view my children as having PDD's, 1 with ADHD with ODD, and 1 with Aspergers Autism. I see them as having beautiful minds. Yes, a little more attention is needed and I do deal with a great deal more challenges but keeping God on speed dial is definately a must, but I see my beautiful boys as gifted and I know our family is blessed. (things could be worse!)
Then another thought occured to me... Einstein.. wasn't he challenged even possibly autistic?? Most of your prodigies, genious's are "special need" individuals. So every negative has a postive.
So from now on...I don't consider my children as children with disabilites or special needed individuals, I see them as gifted and one of a kind.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Here are the big proud brothers with their new baby sister! Armando and Giovanni are absolutely overjoyed!! They come home from school and immediately wash their hands to say hello to her.
I know that they will always be protective of her and watching over her. I am truly blessed with such loving children.

WOW! Time is flying! Here Emilia is 13 days old! She is more alert and cuter than a button! My heart is overflowing with love for my children. And jeez, the love for a daughter is a bit different than a son.
I now understand what my mother used to tell me... she loved all of her children the same amount, but differently. It wasn't until I became a mother that I truly understand that.
I have learned over the years exactly what a mother's pride is all about. I have learned sacrifice w/o contempt, love without boundaries and to open my eyes to the wonders of life all around. Life was just too hectic.. life was passing me by... I stopped "smelling the roses" and I forgot the most important things in life.... I thought I once knew about life. Until I had my first son... I began to see life in his eyes. I put aside all of my closed mindsets and began to see life again. I saw, once again, the simplist things of life.... how a plant grows, why the sun goes down and watching worms and ants under a rock with utter fascination. My world once again has meaning. I was relearning life. And I thank my children for helping me find my inner child and opening up my once closed mind to the wonders of life all around. Each day is a learning experience and I look forward to my next lesson!
I am looking forward to the life lessons Emilia will teach me. But I am willing to let her grow slowly, so I can enjoy it. I will not wish her to walk, to talk or to eat solids before she is ready. I will embrace her age, her milestones as they come and pray that each day will be filled with love, laughter, good health and happiness.
My daily motto: Life is something not to be taken for granted. Life is a blessing, I awake daily thanking God for the chance to have one more day to learn from my children and for my children to learn from me. I also thank God for allowing me to love and to feel love. I am truly blessed for all he has given me and I will not take it for granted.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

On March 17th @ 8:36 a.m. we welcomed our St. Patrick's Day Surprise... EMILIA MARIE weighing in at 7lbs even and 19 1/4 inches long.
We are all still tickled pink!
I can not begin to explain the sheer elation when the doctor said..."It's a girl!".. I could not stop crying!! After about 5 minutes, my darling hubby said.. "Okay.. You can stop crying now!"... I really could not stop. It was totally worth the wait of not knowing the gender. I checked her diaper for almost two weeks just to make sure she was a she!!
After her delivery and while the doctors were closing up my c-section wound, I had this overwhelming sense of completion. I have never felt so at ease, so complete and just so.... serene. I prayed silently over and over.. and thanked God for granting me this healthy beautiful baby girl. Granted, I was extremely happy with the birth of my boys, but this pregnancy and birth was just different. It wasn't taking the place of the miscarriage from 2 years prior.
This baby, I believe, is the spirit of my grandmother. She is afterall, named after my grandmother and mother. The family legacy continues and I pray that I can be as great a mentor as my mother and grandmother was.

She has gained much weight since this last pic and I will post more.
Right now, my prayers are with my friend Jen, whose water broke tonight. I pray that she has a speedy delivery and that Rachel is healthy. Sending you much white light my friend.
Namaste' to you!
Monday, March 06, 2006
This weekend proved to be a VERY productive one. Not only did I finish the 2 crocheted baby hats, but I managed to wash the rest of lil one's laundry, the infant car seat cover, all linens and the whole house laundry!!! Here's a pic of the 2 hats I made... 1 boyish, 1 girlish... I wonder which one I will use???

On Sunday.. DH put himself to work and we finished the wiring in the kitchen!!! He hung up my pendant lamp over the sink, installed the outlets, and hung up the ceiling fan in the DR!!!! Thank god my DH is as handy as he is!!! Here's a pic of our new ceiling fan!!

My nesting instinct hasn't been very strong these past few weeks, I guess I'm just tooo tired to be overly concerned with perfection and excessive worrying over time limites just isn't top priority. But this weekend, I was feeling a tad bit better and was ready to get things accomplished!!! Especially in the construction end of it! Our house has been under renovation for almost a year and we have accomplished much (we have demoed and completely gutted) the whole kitchen, dr and main bathroom, installed a whole new kitchen, DR and a whole wew main bathroom (including all new floor boards and tile, had our basement waterproofed ... it's just the little things that still need attention (that aren't getting the attention) that is starting to crawl under my skin!!!
Today... is Monday... the boys are at school and I am in major tired mode. This weekend may have been a bit much more excitement than what I bargained for.
Also.... 11 days and counting till lil squirt enters the world!! WOW... the time has gone by sooo fast... and yet... as miserable as I am feeling.. it can't come soon enough. Thursday is my last OB appt till the big day. My bag is getting packed today and the baby's bag will be packed tomorrow. Even though I have done this 2 times before, I keep feeling like this is the first time. I get overly excited, I keep forgetting things and I have been second guessing my gut instinct (which I have learned over the years never to do!!) My lists have become a small notebook in itself and I am realizing that the more I add to the list the less I feel like accomplishing any of it! HMMMM.... maybe a hint to just stop overthinking things and just do what NEEDS to be done and not what I would LIKE to get done!!
I must bid adieu... I do have some things to attend to before the boys get home... like eating!!!
Many Warm Vibes your way!!!

On Sunday.. DH put himself to work and we finished the wiring in the kitchen!!! He hung up my pendant lamp over the sink, installed the outlets, and hung up the ceiling fan in the DR!!!! Thank god my DH is as handy as he is!!! Here's a pic of our new ceiling fan!!

My nesting instinct hasn't been very strong these past few weeks, I guess I'm just tooo tired to be overly concerned with perfection and excessive worrying over time limites just isn't top priority. But this weekend, I was feeling a tad bit better and was ready to get things accomplished!!! Especially in the construction end of it! Our house has been under renovation for almost a year and we have accomplished much (we have demoed and completely gutted) the whole kitchen, dr and main bathroom, installed a whole new kitchen, DR and a whole wew main bathroom (including all new floor boards and tile, had our basement waterproofed ... it's just the little things that still need attention (that aren't getting the attention) that is starting to crawl under my skin!!!
Today... is Monday... the boys are at school and I am in major tired mode. This weekend may have been a bit much more excitement than what I bargained for.
Also.... 11 days and counting till lil squirt enters the world!! WOW... the time has gone by sooo fast... and yet... as miserable as I am feeling.. it can't come soon enough. Thursday is my last OB appt till the big day. My bag is getting packed today and the baby's bag will be packed tomorrow. Even though I have done this 2 times before, I keep feeling like this is the first time. I get overly excited, I keep forgetting things and I have been second guessing my gut instinct (which I have learned over the years never to do!!) My lists have become a small notebook in itself and I am realizing that the more I add to the list the less I feel like accomplishing any of it! HMMMM.... maybe a hint to just stop overthinking things and just do what NEEDS to be done and not what I would LIKE to get done!!
I must bid adieu... I do have some things to attend to before the boys get home... like eating!!!
Many Warm Vibes your way!!!
Friday, March 03, 2006

Yesterday....was a SNOW DAY! The boys handled the onset of cabin fever fairly well, no one was hurt, there was hardly any fighting, and mama didn't lose her cool!!! Which means.... since I was happy... EVERYONE was happy!!!
I built a huge train garden for the boys in the living room... it took up our whole living room area rug and man.. did they ever have a blast!!! Now after it being up for almost 24 hours it is getting to be a nuisance and a tripping hazard. I promised them they could keep it up until tomorrow and then the demo crew is going in and flattening it!! Here's the train garden we made (boys and Thomas... go together like peanut butter and chocolate!!!) I was also able to get 2 more dipes sewn... that makes a total of 19 I have made!! I I still need to do the St.Patrick's day dipe.. but I will do that next week. Here's a pic of some of my stash t

I bought new fabric today... I'm hoping to make another sling... this fabric was just tooo pretty to pass up. I also started crocheting a baby hat... a picked girly colors for this hat (secretly hoping to bring me luck!) and I will make a boy hat next week. I will donate the one not needed to the hospital's nursery. For the past year I have donated almost 10 hats a month to the NICU ward at the local hospital but I have been sooo busy making this lil peanuts items, that my volunteer hat making has been put on the back burner. I promise myself that it will resume once a routine is established in our household.
2 weeks and counting.... lil one will be here! I am anxious, nervous, overjoyed, scared to death and concerned about the surgery and yet it can't come soon enough!!!
Time to prop my feet up and start crocheting again! I am on a roll! And I hear those damn dwarfs again...."Hi Ho... Hi Ho...It's off to work we go!"...
Friday, February 24, 2006
Today was definately a "WOW" day.. I got much accomplished and I am super psyched! I managed to complete 6 more NB fitted dipes for the upcoming arrival!! I only have 7 more to complete and my NB stash will be complete!! WOO HOO!!!
The Greatest Hits of Cat Stevens is the cd I've been jammin to as my sewin machine is a hummin! I can still hear "Peace Train" in my head...that and "A sewing I must go.. A sewing I must go.. hi ho the merry oh a sewing I must go!!!" That is the official song of motivation for me.. b/c once it's in my head and I start sewing. it disappears.. a sick subconcious trick I am playing on myself!
Today while visiting the boys school the Principal said that I remind her of the woman from the last verse in Proverbs. And as she was reading the verses to me, tears filled my eyes. I am still so flabbergasted by the compliment! I feel truly unworthy of such high and respected praise, but humbled at the same time.
DH is finally off this weekend and we have much to do b/f lil person gets here. But we decided to take the day off as family day... We are taking a beautiful afternoon drive to a town north of us and will be spending the day sightseeing. I look forward to the fresh air and just going on an adventure with the family. Who knows, maybe we can find some new camping sites!
Camping.. the kids are chomping at the bit to go.. poor Giovanni keeps asking if we can go now.. Imagine? we would die of total hypothermia! with the windchill it must be in the single digits!!! We keep telling him in late June, early July and he goes..."AWWW... but that's gonna take too long.!"
Time to prop the feet up and chill with Hubby....
Warm Vibes your way until next time....
The Greatest Hits of Cat Stevens is the cd I've been jammin to as my sewin machine is a hummin! I can still hear "Peace Train" in my head...that and "A sewing I must go.. A sewing I must go.. hi ho the merry oh a sewing I must go!!!" That is the official song of motivation for me.. b/c once it's in my head and I start sewing. it disappears.. a sick subconcious trick I am playing on myself!
Today while visiting the boys school the Principal said that I remind her of the woman from the last verse in Proverbs. And as she was reading the verses to me, tears filled my eyes. I am still so flabbergasted by the compliment! I feel truly unworthy of such high and respected praise, but humbled at the same time.
DH is finally off this weekend and we have much to do b/f lil person gets here. But we decided to take the day off as family day... We are taking a beautiful afternoon drive to a town north of us and will be spending the day sightseeing. I look forward to the fresh air and just going on an adventure with the family. Who knows, maybe we can find some new camping sites!
Camping.. the kids are chomping at the bit to go.. poor Giovanni keeps asking if we can go now.. Imagine? we would die of total hypothermia! with the windchill it must be in the single digits!!! We keep telling him in late June, early July and he goes..."AWWW... but that's gonna take too long.!"
Time to prop the feet up and chill with Hubby....
Warm Vibes your way until next time....
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The love of my life, my DH and ME at a Dead concert in July 2004. Boy.. we had an excrutiating journey that week.... we hit 3 shows, had no sleep, drove from NY to Ct to NY to NJ to MD to NJ then to NY in 4 days... we were tired, hungry and hot!!! But lovin the vibes which still play in my head!! hee hee 

Today is yet another crazy day, errands to run, doctors appts, things I NEED to get done, things I WANT to get done.... I wish that I could just throw the clock out of the window and forget that time even exists. It seems as if father time is peering over my shoulder telling me.... tick, tock, tick, tock....time is a wasting. UGH!
I have to leave here for my 35 week u/s. I have exactly 3 weeks and 2 days before our lil bundle of surprise is here! Anxiety and sheer elation is overwhelming.
So many things that need my attention before the big day. SOOO Many questions: Will I have everything I need? Has everything been accounted for? Do I have enough cloth diapers in the n/b size? Am I ready for the added caos? Will I ever find the patience to deal with all 3 at one time? Am I tooo selfish for asking all these crazy questions? Will one of my children feel left out?
Making lists: I have lists everwhere.. breaking them down into weeks, then days... (again, I'm trying to utilize time that just doesn't exist!) I still need to buy essential oils and herbs. Not to mention my sewing.... OH MY.... THE SEWING.... (sighing and then fainting!) I have a sling to get done and about 12 dipes that need completion, not to mention the never ending growing lists of "gotta make this". Will I ever find the time? Nope.. B/C I threw it out the window...only to get lost on the wind.
My ramblin's will continue later... must go freshen up for doc and to see a movie.. too bad I can't take a snack w/me!!! :0)
Fare the Well for now!
I have to leave here for my 35 week u/s. I have exactly 3 weeks and 2 days before our lil bundle of surprise is here! Anxiety and sheer elation is overwhelming.
So many things that need my attention before the big day. SOOO Many questions: Will I have everything I need? Has everything been accounted for? Do I have enough cloth diapers in the n/b size? Am I ready for the added caos? Will I ever find the patience to deal with all 3 at one time? Am I tooo selfish for asking all these crazy questions? Will one of my children feel left out?
Making lists: I have lists everwhere.. breaking them down into weeks, then days... (again, I'm trying to utilize time that just doesn't exist!) I still need to buy essential oils and herbs. Not to mention my sewing.... OH MY.... THE SEWING.... (sighing and then fainting!) I have a sling to get done and about 12 dipes that need completion, not to mention the never ending growing lists of "gotta make this". Will I ever find the time? Nope.. B/C I threw it out the window...only to get lost on the wind.
My ramblin's will continue later... must go freshen up for doc and to see a movie.. too bad I can't take a snack w/me!!! :0)
Fare the Well for now!
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